Dear Chump Lady, I let the OW get to me. Help.

leftoversDear Chump Lady,

I’m three years since D-day, and closing in on finalizing my divorce. I am awarded 60% of his 401K and 60% of assets value, plus four years alimony. It is a settlement my attorneys have never seen the likes of in 20 years. But our divorce is well known through the courts as being one of the most contemptuous divorces on record.

With all that said, I am not a Meh. He still gets under my skin. His whore texted me all last week from a fake phone number from an app that isn’t traceable. She sent Memes about her being the Upgrade, what my lady parts look like, how many multiple personalities I have, and it’s not her fault my man wants her…

She texted me on New Years Eve — 4 times.

I wish I could say I didn’t respond. But I did. I wish I could say her jabs at me didn’t hurt — but they did.

She is living in the house I built, heating up pizza rolls in my six-burner stainless steel commercial grade stove and putting up my Christmas tree. She is living the life I had… the pizza rolls… I made homemade pizza with fresh toppings…..

I know that I know that I know my STBX is a bastard who threw away his family and 20 years on a 30-year-old bar whore. No news flash there.

But, how do I get past that I am not over losing my life, losing my house, losing my dreams for my daughters to graduate college.

How did I allow a meme from his whore plunge me into a depression spin?

I’m not sure what interactions other chumps have had with the OW in their lives. I’m wondering how they handled it.

I will also admit my responses back were cruel — and really really degrading. When I re-read them I cringed at how low I was willing to go to take a shot at her. I mean disgustingly low.
Not proud of it, just being honest.


Dear Tracy,

You want extra kibbles on those pizza rolls?

Ugh, I’m sorry you learned the hard way about no contact with OW. As my husband says in law, “If it feels good — don’t do it.”

As tempting as it is to take the tasty bait the freaks in your life may cast at you, you must resist it. All you did by engaging with OW is solidify their narrative that you’re batshit crazy and she and ex are deserving of all the spoils of their affair. (Yes, take out the whole notion that she provoked you — however you respond to her, reinforces their narrative.)

Don’t give these creeps the raw materials to work with, okay? It’s much harder to manipulate or antagonize someone if they don’t respond. There is no withering put down that will crush the OW as deeply as you Don’t Give a Shit. How do you communicate you don’t give a shit? You DON’T. You stay silent.

Tracy, I’m sorry you still give a shit. You have to work on that. I know it’s galling and unjust that she’s usurped your former domestic life and all the trappings. With that 60 percent asset division, you can buy a new six-burner stainless steel commercial grade stove. Okay, she won a used stove. Whoopee. She also won a cheater.

Engaging with the OW whether it’s about stoves, or pizza rolls, or the unsavoriness of her lady parts, is just another form of the Pick Me Dance. It means that somehow your cheater still matters. There is still something to care and fight about.

If she “won” a used oven and a 24-foot-cubic-dumpster of shit, would you care? Would her insults sting?

Dude, you’re gloating over a dumpster of shit. Enjoy that stainless steel appliance in your dumpster of shit! You think I’m ugly? You live in a dumpster of shit.

That’s her reality, Tracy. She can think of herself as the Upgrade all she wants to, the fact is, she feels so unhinged by insecurity that she has to taunt you. She WANTS the triangle. She WANTS the competition and the pick me dance. She NEEDS the fight to feel central in Mr. Cheaterpants life. So long as you’re the boogeyman and the obstacle to their happiness, she’s “winning.” When you disengage and treat them both like the shit dumpsters that they are? She has to finally confront her “prize.”

So forgive yourself for falling off the no contact wagon. It happens.

There’s something seriously disturbed about the OW who taunt anyway, and you best steer clear of them for your personal safety, IMO. I had one of these whackadoodles (I got signed up for spam, dating sites, political campaigns… ) I had my lawyer send her a letter saying I was going to press criminal harassment charges if she didn’t cease and desist. Consider a formal letter to the OW, and cc the authorities, okay?

I think these OW are the crazy fringe of the crazy fringe of OW. You have to be a special kind of fucked up to accept (and fight for) side-dish relationship status. It’s pathetic and frankly, IMO a lot of OW know this at some level, so they tend to be low-key and quiet. The wife, insomuch as they think of her, is a theoretical construct and not a person. Just some obstacle to schedule fuckfests around.

The crazy fringe OW, however? They go on the attack. They taunt. They stalk. They write HuffPo dreck about how awesome and edgy and pioneering it is to be an OW.

Alas, you’ve got one of these wingnuts. Just finalize your divorce and work on building your new life. Don’t look back. They’ve got bright shiny ovens and pizza rolls here in your new life too.

P.S. Your daughters will graduate college just fine. They may have to be scrappy about financial aid, but divorce doesn’t prevent people from getting college degrees. It just makes things more challenging. If Dad spent their college funds on his new bar skank lifestyle, that’s their issue to work out with him, not yours. ((Hugs))

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Chumped in Chicago
Chumped in Chicago
8 years ago

If she were happy – truly happy – she would have just enjoyed the new year – and not tried to engage you. Her enjoyment is in engaging you – and once that’s over,so is her fun. The triangle is her fun. The drama is her fun. Don’t be part of the drama.

Deal with your emotions in other outlets, not through her or your ex. A safe outlet.

Best to you.

8 years ago

Hey, I think she already knows he is the booby prize and this nasty-ass dialogue with you is all she has left. You are her new kibble source! Make her go hungry bow-bow-bow!

Sad in Seattle
Sad in Seattle
8 years ago

I thought the exact same thing! If her NYE were so amazing, she wouldn’t have given you a single thought!

Ps- Don’t respond ever again. He who cares the least in these types of battles wins. Winning for her is getting you to care and show you’re upset.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sad in Seattle

Think of it this way….the only thing she won is the booby prize, she just doesn’t know it yet. There will come a time, she will.

8 years ago

If she were having a fun new year with her schmoopie she wouldn’t have had time to download an app, make a fake account, find memes on the internet and text you all night. And if YOU were having a fun new year you wouldn’t have had time to respond. Get out there and start doing things, it will really help you in feeling pretty meh about it and if you are out doing fun things you won’t be checking your phone.

8 years ago

That’s right. Disengage. Pull the plug on her messed up need for centrality by sucking you into the triangle. The only winning move is not to play.

8 years ago

ChumpedinChicago, exactly right! If the OW was happy, she wouldn’t be sending you memes.

8 years ago
Reply to  LIningUpDucks

I know this is ill but I almost wish the ow did something like that to me. It reveals her trashiness and empowers you. She might as well have texted “we are not having hot sex right now because I am so threatened by you I thought I’d check in and stalk you some”.

3 years here too, final Dday…last week. I’m not in a puddle but #^+% do I still give a shit. Maybe it will help me let go because I found the source of that cognitive dissonance. I knew he was a pathological liar but had no idea he kept a completely separate life. I don’t want to be specific, CL is getting very popular and I’m paranoid–which is really ironic because they. don’t. care. And as ill as it sounds, it feels like he traded up. No I would never do that to a married woman, I don’t want her soul. But there are certain realities, we accomplish different things come with different obstacles, some of us get sick and piss the narc off from the get go…

Everything makes crashing crushing sense now. The dude hasn’t drunk dialed me once in all this time while I fought mightily to sustain no contact. He’s so vindictive he’ll show me who can not talk to whom better. But the main reason is, he’s busy. With his “longtime partner”–words discreetly tucked into her profile of endless accomplishment. Even if she is a trade up he’s still an asshole.

I’m trying to trust that he sucks.

Call me cluster b but I was completely jealous. Completely surprised. I wanted to find clearly hate-able things and could not. There are a few eerie similarities between us, but she’s all kindsa confident and accomplished in ways I’ll never be. Maybe most hurtful, he was playing daddy to them while I had 30 fertile seconds left.

This version greatly improves his image. Hers too. Now I think he created enough tumult just to put me off the scent–if I was preoccupied with him lying about meeting past girlfriends I wouldn’t be searching for the real one. Seems like that kind of fierce protection could mean twu wuv (?) The only other possibility is he wanted to keep me attached through insanity. Because had I known he was with such a significant other for so long, it would have been much easier to leave. Except he doesn’t care.

I thought he’d be with rotating bimbos, the ex, his usual. I wasn’t prepared for this. Not saying she’s perfect but she is perfect for him—independent arty wonder babe, absent enough of the time to keep him guessing. She may be more perfectly like him than perfect for him, I don’t know I’m a little fermitzed.

Anyway, I find their shared address, snazzy bio, etc., her cell and shaking, called it! I wanted to talk to that woman, find out the rest, check dates, what coincided when. I was shocked but also felt a strange and very real relief. Everything just makes so much more sense, the gut feelings, the alienation, insults about my insecurities, smoking me out of the marriage for no apparent reason. There was already so much deception I thought it enough to warrant the pain. But now I really know why I was in that much pain for so long, even with no contact.

Thank god she didn’t answer. Like my friend said, What am I going to say to her?

But I kept her number.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sara


Know there is no such thing as a cheater trading up. They always trade down to their own level. I have met many of his victims. There were kind loving, decent women he lied to and as soon as his lies were revealed they dumped him during the infatuation stage. Many others said there was something wrong with him and turned him down. Years of cheating and do you know what they settle for? A woman with no class, morals, or integrity. These are the whores they dumpster dive for and get. They had loyal and chose sleazy. They had love and couldn’t be loyal. Cheaters are the sum of their parts. Lying, cheating, disrespectful, entitled parts the take with them. Knock that whore off the pedistal, she’s a bottom feeder who isn’t special. Don’t give them your power. My children said it best. If it’s not that whore it will be another one.
Stop beating yourself up. You did nothing wrong. There’s no comparison. You deserve much much more.

8 years ago
Reply to  donna


How true!!!!!

My 1st EXH has had multiple fiances and wives in the last almost-14 years we’ve been divorced (he’s on wife #5 now, LOL) and each woman that came into our sons’ lives I would say, “What do you think of her?” To which the boys would laugh, roll their eyes, and shake their heads and say, “Mom, it’s dad we’re talking about— you know it won’t last!!!” After his first wife after me, I stopped caring as long as she didn’t trouble my sons.

Now EXH#2’s OWife is about 20 years younger than me, about 12 years younger than EXH#2, and must think he is just Mr. Awesome..we’ll see what happens, but I doubt it’s “happily ever after”. I have said this before, and I will say it again, I may think/feel a lot of things about her, but one thing I will NEVER think is “oh, I wish I was her!!!”

8 years ago
Reply to  donna

Donna…. whoa…you just said something that sent me back……
My husband stood in the hall of the courthouse and said to his Aunt who supported me, “If it wasn’t Migdalia ( his whore) it would be another woman and another woman and another woman…..”

Now….that was 2 years ago he said that. I had forgotten with all the mindfuckery of the last 2 years…. but I see him…standing there…outlook saying that….I was 5 feet away….shaking my head.

That saying…”When someone shows you who they are, believe them”….
He was admitting he was a serial cheater.

8 years ago
Reply to  donna

Thank you Donna

8 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Yup, gave her too much credit. I saw more and can’t quite believe it. She’s a fricking chain smoker–his ultimate deal breaker! I No wonder he got so mad when I said I thought I smelled nicotine. It’s disturbing to think he’d go for that kind but it brings them both back down where they belong. thanks again

8 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Sara – I can’t tell you how sorry I am that he’s made you feel this way. And that’s just it – you feel like he traded up because of all the years he devalued you. It’s what narcissist do. They want you to feel like nothing because it’s the only way they can feel better than. They are echoing, empty vessels and they are jealous of anyone who is normal.

It took me a long time to realize that my X was so jealous of the fact that I possessed empathy, fair-mindedness, trust for others and was able to love. He made it his mission to emotionally beat all those things out of me until I didn’t know who I was. And he made me think that those virtues were actually vices. They gradually erode any sense of self you may have. But the good news? With distance comes perspective. It will take you a while but one day when the hurt subsides a bit, you’ll see that POS for what he really is. You’ll see what he felt about himself whenever he looked at you and saw what a great person you are – something he will never be.

You are right about one thing. They are perfectly alike and perfect for each other. Two empty vessels looking for someone else to fill them up. Neither one has what it takes to make one decent human being. They are frauds. Social media is nothing but a soft-focus filter on the camera of life. It softens the rough edges and makes everything appear dreamy and perfect. It’s a complete manipulation, don’t fall for it. I’m certain she would never post on any site that she’s a jealous, home-wrecking, man-stealing whore! It would tarnish her “perfect” image. YOU know the truth so just believe it with all your might.

8 years ago

uneffing. you said the words I couldn’t express. Thanks.

Miss Sunshine
Miss Sunshine
8 years ago

Such a great post, uneffing. You’ve given me pause.

8 years ago

uneffing you made me cry out loud. “He made it his mission to emotionally beat all those things out of me until I didn’t know who I was.” Whew. They didn’t parade it in front of me though, that’s what had me spinning…like it meant more(?) Meant anything. They’re only about image though and he was a vicious ass. He was just good at his job. And I was had.

8 years ago
Reply to  sara

I mean to say t it’s like he went for things he didn’t necessarily love but I did…is that to purposefully hurt or are they just improving their resume’s?

8 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Sara….I am sorry you feel that way. But let me say this….if she had to cheat with him to get him…she is in no way a trade up. Period. If you have to hurt someone….implode their life for your happiness….then you suck. Period.
Sure….implode see things about the OW that I think she is better suited for him. But she still.screwed a married man and pursued him and went on to applaud my demise. She sucks. In more way than one..
So does your ex…..he could have asked for a divorce. So could mine…but they didnt….they cheated and they hurt people….so they suck….

Jealous….yea I am jealous too….but I know him….he will change for awhile…but go back to being his boring self.

Hugs Sara…..hugs!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Thank you Tracy, I don’t know why I didn’t see these comments until now (2-1/2 hours on the phone with tech support, grr) I felt really shaky after posting that. Thank you for understanding and big hugs back {{{Tracy}}}

8 years ago
Reply to  Sara

In my pain I have found support groups like Codependence Anonymous & AlAnon helpful.

8 years ago
Reply to  paigeup

lost this is messing with me, I’m not going to lie. I can’t get over details; specific things we have in common, the things we don’t, what I thought was unique to us, things he loved about ‘me’, all the stuff we’re not supposed to muck around in. He went for certain things *I* love though, that’s what’s also creeping me out. Not all, but it’s like he took what he liked about me and improved on it in his mind, for his image, whatever. I don’t think he’s had a character transplant but their narc stars align perfectly. I feel so…USED!! I really do. And the smoking, if he’s putting up with that it must mean this, and oh I can see exactly where he went with his kink because she definitely has this affected raunch that i don’t and…and…

I could tell when he was parroting, he uses language and style he wouldn’t otherwise. I’m trying to slap my ass out of it, I’m glad I know. If I’d known he was that involved it might have helped me detach from any fantasy a lot sooner, but that would mean learning about the ‘long term partnership’ they advertise to their clan. He was cruel to me though, and that part never changes. I like ACA. Good luck to us both, lost.

8 years ago
Reply to  sara

Sara, you’re in that horrible obsessive phase and believe me, I get it. When I went digging through our credit card records I found out that he took her to *our* restaurants – the places we celebrated anniversaries, birthdays and most importantly, our premie surviving 45 days in the NICU. It felt as if he reached into my chest and ripped out my heart. When I asked him how could he take her to OUR places, his reply? “She picked the restaurant.” Huh?

Narcs are not sentimental. They don’t view their lives as a continuous thing. The memories that we share that strengthen the bond in the minds of normal people are forgotten as soon as they are over for the Narc. They compartmentalize their lives so completely that in their twisted minds, that one thing they do has nothing to do with the other compartments. An example of that is my X thought he’d never get caught having his affair, therefore it had nothing to do with me or our family. He truly never saw it as a betrayal of me. It was chilling when I finally realized I was married to a machine instead of a man.

I urge you to read “Malignant Self Love” by Sam Vaknin. He is a self-proclaimed narcissist and clearly explains how their minds work. He also has UTube videos. When you realize that your husbands behavior has nothing to do with you, it will help you to not blame yourself and more importantly, move on from this man who you thought was human. Good luck, Sara, I’m rooting for you.

8 years ago

uneffing you’re right. It took me so long to even begin to detach and right as I do I learn about this. It threw me back viscerally like I was there yesterday. He was careless with the inconsequential cheating, I thought that was enough. I feel like such a jerk for missing this whole hidden life thing though. I remember him singing a song I found out was ‘between them’, so more things are trickling in, filling in more cognitive dissonance. The obsessing isn’t as bad, it swoops in and leaves but at least it doesn’t tsunami my day. She said convincing no one.

8 years ago

uneffing you’re right. It took me a long time to even begin to detach and that was only a function of time, and NC by the skin of my teeth. Then just as I began to let go I find this out– it threw me back viscerally like it was yesterday. He was careless with the inconsequential cheating, I thought that was enough. I feel like such a jerk for missing this rather huge extra life. Last night I recalled him singing something repeatedly that I found between them, having nothing to do with me. So more pieces are falling into place but I will say they leave faster. They come back but at least they don’t tsunami my entire day. She said convincing no one.

8 years ago
Reply to  sara

sorry for the redundant post, thought it said cancelled reply and lost the first text

8 years ago
Reply to  paigeup

omg. I feel the same as you do sara. Is it true love? Was I that bad? But I also agree with Tracy. A good person refuses to date/fuck/sneak around with someone they know is married and living at home, REGARDLESS of what bullshit story he tells them. So it definitely wasn’t a trade up. I go to CODA and it does help me to understand and deal with why I continued to stay in a situation and with a person that was hurting me. Good luck.

8 years ago
Reply to  paigeup

Thank you paige and agreed.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Major tech problems today. Left out a sentence or two but hopefully you get the idea.

8 years ago

How happy can she be if she is texting YOU multiple times on NYE? Shouldn’t she be all snuggled up with her Schmoopie?? I smell triangulation. Maybe their relationship is nothing without you 😉

Also, I agree with “don’t engage”. The opposite of love is indifference…not hate. Fake it ’til you make it.

8 years ago
Reply to  HM

HM – “Maybe their relationship is nothing without you ;)” Yes!

Tracy, you were the pivot that made your cheater and the OW bond….you were the great obstacle in the way of their supposed twu wuv…your existence made their sex “naughty” and therefore more exciting. The OW still needs you be part of her drama, in order to keep the balance. Don’t give her the satisfaction! Disengage, start giving no shits, and go no contact on both their asses.

Boudica Reborn
Boudica Reborn
8 years ago
Reply to  LIningUpDucks

HM and LiningUpDucks, I agree – you pegged it. Schmoopie can’t seem to get her board lit up without the nefarious aspects of her relationship with her twu wuv. That’s how deviants operate, as though their brains are wired (or re-wired) to get their jollies only if it’s considered taboo. My ex is like that. His harem of AP’s were nothing more than conquests – women he could coerce into doing “naughty” activities. And keeping this all a delicious secret from me, and his trusting family and friends was icing on the toxic cake.

Tracy, about the OW’s irritating ability to act like a malicious Mosquito, constantly whining in your ear. What are the harassment laws where you live? Her constant stream of uninvited texts may be considered harassment (they are where I live). You could report her, showing the authorities the evidence. Having a law enforcement officer arriving at the door to discuss with her the gravity of this matter (along with possibly having that on her record), may be something that would put an end to this bullshit. She sounds like a bully, and bullies are actually cowards when they’re outed and held accountable for their behavior. It’s just a thought. (((Hugs to you.)))

8 years ago
Reply to  Boudica Reborn

I’ve tried several times to file charges. I get told….change your number. I shouldn’t have to. Finally a female officier at least documented it….and called her to warn her. The fake # then appeared.
So….I can’t prove it’s her…but no one else is gonna text me about Upgrades…’s over Ex wife he wants me….bullcrap.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Actually the cops can trace her with the fake # to her actual cell phone, I’m i security, trust me on this Those free apps don’t really anonymize you from a cell. However, if you engaged in nasty responses it doesn’t do you any good. If she insulted you but didn’t threaten you in any way it also doesn’t do you any good. IF she does this again another fake number and threatens you then do call the cops, but this time don’t engage.

8 years ago

I have a former friend. She was my friend until I found out she cheated on her husband for 3 years.

Her AP was married, so she was simultaneously an OW…a fringe OW. She took sex videos with her AP and sent them to her AP’s wife to “prove” that the man wanted her and not his wife.

Genuine class.

These people are just losers, all around. Get away, Tracy. It does no good to even think about people like this.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Schorn

As an attorney I am always slack-jawed and dumb founded at the stupidity of people who film themselves
cheating. The Tort of alienation of affection is a rare but actionable civil claim. Additionally, the cheaters are likely documenting waste of marital assets if this is happening in resorts or hotel rooms. Not. Too. Smart. 😉

8 years ago
Reply to  Hope49

OW sent me pics of them kissing IN PUBLIC (and this is a relatively small city). But the one of him naked in her bed checking his phone – while it was daylight outside – is the one that made me vomit. Right before Christmas and she knows I have three kids. Who does that???? It was one of the most cruel things anyone has ever done to me.

kar marie
kar marie
8 years ago
Reply to  Sah_esq

I’ve been relatively lucky whore juice sent him home one night with her mark on his neck he knew why she did it and choked her unconscious. He did it because she did it to hurt me. Then some random postings on fb she knew i would see. Another beating. They knew each other six weeks. Someone ever did that to me 911. But she’s a teeny bopper idiot 52 with money so its OK. The one that hurt was a mutual friend of ours, a member of the family type sent me a tagged photo of the two of them smooching on fb. Great friend. Bastard. Shut Facebook down after I blocked about thirty people. Now ex was convinced/conived into going back and he doesn’t seem to happy about that. Careful what you wish for motherfucker. She gets a crabby negative nasty foul tempered half crippled old man who is still in love with me and doesn’t want to let go. And he gets an overbearing clingy whining self centered egotistical bitch with money. Cash wins!

8 years ago
Reply to  kar marie

Yeah, TEO had a faint “love-bite” mark on his neck Christmas Day, made sure he turned his body just right so I would see it- I guess an early Christmas present from the OWife…classy, bitch she is!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Schorn

The ex’s OW sent me timestamped photos of them having sex to prove he was still seeing her during wreckonciliaton.

And that guy is her soon to be ex shitdumpster. OW is just a cumdumpster.

8 years ago
Reply to  FeralBlue

Those sex tapes/videos had I gotten them would have gone viral so fast across the interwebs it would have made their heads explode. Why do some people get all the luck???

8 years ago
Reply to  FeralBlue

“The ex’s OW sent me timestamped photos of them having sex to prove he was still seeing her during wreckonciliaton.”

I hope those found their way into the court file. “Your honor, I’m going to need a restraining order to prevent OW from harassing me by sending pornographic images like these.”

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Schorn

I think monkeys have more class than that.

8 years ago
Reply to  Michael.

THANK you, Michael! A few times in the past I’ve referred to these whores’ lack of sexual discipline and disgusting behavior being that of an average zoo monkey. And again, no offense to the higher functioning zoo monkeys. ?

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Schorn

Agreed. The AP husband wasn’t thrilled with it, either. But he was dumb enough to (a) cheat, and (b) make sex videos of his cheating. So, boo hoo for him.

8 years ago

It’s close to 3 years past DDay for me too. I’ve been to court once only to make 3 more court dates. Was supposed to have ‘mediation’ tomorrow, but once again, it got cancelled. My stbx is living in our marital home and it tares me up. I don’t know who the OW is/was because my stbx chose to get private fuck phones and Yahoo. chat accounts to find his prey.
I can’t imagine what you are going through. It makes me so angry and disgusted to read these stories from all of us and wonder how people can be so cruel.
Obviously – OW has issues! She must be jealous of you, otherwise why would she take the time to text you? She is whack. Can you change your phone number? It looks like your kids are old enough that you don’t need to continue to associate with your X.
You should copy and paste those messages to your X so he can see the ‘prize’ he left you for. They are both dumb.

8 years ago
Reply to  LadyStrange

No, I don’t agree with that last statement. Don’t contact your ex at all. IGNORE. Pretend like you don’t care. If it doesn’t stop, send 1 message (only 1) that says “stop contacting me or I will go to the police”. Then don’t respond. Document everything and if in say 6 months or so it does not stop…go to the police with every piece of documentation you have. Here’s the key: you cannot respond after telling her to stop otherwise it will look like you are encouraging it. If you don’t respond it is straight up harassment.

8 years ago
Reply to  HM

Great advice, HM!!! I too advise the same — I have posted a few examples of the texts I get from the Albatross/TEO and I. DO. NOT. RESPOND. EVER. His new life, new OWife isn’t as “sparkly” as he intended, and every couple weeks or so (I can almost set a calendar to it) he tries to engage me in some ridiculous text war. I ssssoooo want to respond and defend myself (it’s only natural) but let’s face it- any kind of kibbles are good kibbles to these fuck-tard narcs!!!!

The latest was on NYE Day about me refusing to add his OWife (NO. He STILL hasn’t come right out and tell me that they are married, nor have I aksed/questioned/confronted him about it either, which is driving him nuts that I. DON’T. CARE.!!!!) to our daughter’s Emergency Contact/pick-up list at her school and I WAS going to give in and do it, but then he sent me three back-to-back antagonizing, threatening, and disrespectful texts, so I didn’t respond, but I didn’t agree to add her on either. FUCK. HIM.

Also, thank you HM about the “6-month” harassment idea- each time I get these type of text, I want to call the police and file a complaint, but I think giving them 6 months of documentation will be plenty of evidence, thank you!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  HM

Excellent advice.

8 years ago
Reply to  bepositive

I’m so sorry Tracy!! But I am glad you making it through. Prayers for you!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Schorn

I have gone to the police. They are so sick of “US”….the PA State Police is the jurisdiction for where he lives. They know me by name…. they have been very understanding but when I try to press charges I have to do my local police….and they have given him a “warning”…. That’s when the whore went to use the fake #. It’s not traceable….
Her first text from that number a few months ago was posing as a concerned neighbor….telling me my husband’s Whore and the neighbor Amy were caught having sex. I contacted Amy…she was dumbfounded.
This chic is coo coo for cocoa puffs crazy. Guess the sex was soooooo good he looked past her crazy ass

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Tracy…what county in PA did you get your awesome divorce settlement? I realize that might be asking a bit much, so if you’re not comfortable answering, I understand.

I sure hope this situation gets better for you. However, I think it’s safe to say…you bother her way more than she bothers you. You really don’t even have to respond. You piss her off, just by existing. The next time you feel the urge to talk back, remember: you’re already in her head.

8 years ago
Reply to  2kids2love

Beaver County.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

I state later in this post more background about my case. My divorce has been stated to be by the President Judge the most vile and contemptuous divorce he has ever seen. That was at a PFA violation hearing where my husband wanted me to go to Jail for hearing my voice on the speaker of my daughters cell phone……I kid you not. I was arrested….cuffed….driven to the magistrate for arraignment. My husband had earlier that day called our daughter a “Fucking Naive Bitch”….she was 17. Hadn’t seen me in 5 moths….I had JUST gotten released from jail for being there almost 9 months. I had my plea hearing that day….she wanted to come and see me….he refused to bring her. They fought….and he called her that. When she got home from school…we were on the phone. He walked in…demanded to know who was on the phone. I said put me on speaker. As soon as I said a word….he said. She just violated. He went downstairs called the police…I was arrested.

So……my settlement reflects the courts seeing his crazy, abusive treatment of me.

I exposed him. He was well known….he sells grass fed beef to local restaurants. I exposed him for the fraud that he is.
I didn’t lie down and shut up….I fought back..

His only recourse…..jail….

It worked….for awhile. But the police the DA office…the judges are sick of him. So….when I was awarded 60 %. ..he amped up the attacks. None of them worked.

He was hoping along with his girlfriend to drive me crazy so I killed myself…or I ended up in jail.

I made it….I got one daughter out alive…..barely.

The trauma bonds were deep. I see that now.

Seeking Peace
Seeking Peace
8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Schorn

We all know going NC is easy when there are no kids involved. Unfortunately I can’t do that. The father of my children said he wants nothing to do with me and self appointed the OW to “coparent” with me as she is 1000% involved in the kids’ lives and in all decision making. I refuse as I have received numerous, belittling, demanding emails from her (pretending to be him) attacking me personally and professionally. I have no interest in engaging with her and in the triangle she is pulling me into. However, he keeps directing me to communicate with OW, giving me her email address, letting me know she will take kids to soccer, even told me I should meet her and not judge her before I do because she is a wonderful person who is VERY important to him. So how do you make It clear you want nothing to do with her and the only reason you still have to deal with cheater is because you have kids together? In my case, they would think I am still jealous or want him back and that’s why I am resisting the communication with OW.

8 years ago
Reply to  Seeking Peace

Family Wizard is one such program–I believe it is only $100/year and allows you not to have direct contact with the jerk.

8 years ago
Reply to  Seeking Peace

You don’t have to deal with her. Shes not their parent. Thus, you can ignore what she says. Or document abuses made by her as part of a pattern and then seek legal response for it.
If he is too fucking lazy to parent, thats on him. Whats the OWhore gonna do, go to the court and be like “My new schmoopie is too lazy to parent so I’m taking the mother of the kids to court to get her to listen to me regarding parenting issues?” She’d be laughed out of the courtroom.

8 years ago
Reply to  Seeking Peace

I believe there are computer services/programs that allow you to mutually schedule the childrens’ calendar without having direct contact with your X or his fuck buddy. I believe that both parents enroll and there may be a small fee. Each party then enters the scheduling for the week/month, with designated times, responsibilities, etc. Some judges are now ordering this type of communication as it cuts off the back and forth, especially where a 3rd party is involved in the childcare. Maybe someone here can provide more details. I was fortunate because my kids were older and flat out refused to be pawns, but I think these type of programs can cut down on some of the nonsense.

8 years ago
Reply to  violet

Google calendar. I believe Google provides it for free. I’ve heard it is quite a wonderful aid in facilitating no contact

8 years ago
Reply to  Cheaterssuck

I was forced to use My Family Wizard by my crazy, abusive cheating STBX. The only winner in this ‘exchange’ was the company who made this mediocre software and charged my STBX for a subscription. In fact, my STBX continued to abuse me through it, and our judge didn’t care. Now STBX and I communicate through plain old free email.

8 years ago
Reply to  Cheaterssuck

I know one site that is called Our Family Wizard.

There is a fee, but it may be worth it. Beyond scheduling and posting kids’ activities, it provides a way to email through the site that is automatically a court accepted document, if needed.

8 years ago
Reply to  Seeking Peace

Seeking Peace, I don’t know for sure but it seems like a lawyer could help you with that. What does your settlement say about the kids?

Seeking Peace
Seeking Peace
8 years ago
Reply to  Datdamwuf

The settlement says the two parties have joint custody (meaning the two parents). Lawyer hasn’t been able to help much.

8 years ago
Reply to  Seeking Peace

I agree with Wseoldowl- appoint your own “second person”…it’s so ridiculous, I know, but if HE doesn’t want to be a “co-Parent” and is trying to firce you to deal with his OW, then you get your own OM/OPerson to be your representative. See how he likes it.

I know, it sounds a little much, but like my ex- the Albatross/TEO wants to rub my nose in his OWife, I almost read finally having a good relationship with a man, because I know he is going to go nuts when I do. See it’s A-OK for him to have his woman, but I can’t have a man?!?!?!?! UGH!!!! These fuck-tards never cease to amaze me with their bullshit.

8 years ago
Reply to  Seeking Peace

SeekingPeace, possibly appoint your own mediator and let them reply with your response. A neutral party that can give you the relevant information and reply on your behalf. Also, unless an emergency, texts only.

Elizabeth Lee
Elizabeth Lee
8 years ago

The OW in my marriage was not one of the crazies, but my ex-husband is. You have my sympathy, Tracy. When I finally figured out that he was ENJOYING the drama is when I realized that the cruelest thing I could do to him was to ignore him. It made him nuts.

If you want to hit this whackadoodle where it really hurts her, all you have to do is ignore. She LIKES it when you call her names. Any attention makes her happy.

And I agree with HM, why the heck was she texting you multiple times on NYE? Was her Schmoopie unavailable? He’s probably already cheating on her, too. She deserves it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth Lee

My experience as well with the stbx wife. The no-contact drives her nuts! No-contact was for my good and I didn’t anticipate how it would affect her. I actually get some enjoyment that it screws with her mind too!

Elizabeth Lee
Elizabeth Lee
8 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth Lee

Also, Tracy, it’s impossible to get to Meh when you’re still in the process of getting a divorce. Don’t expect it yet. A year after the legal wrangling was over I was in a much better place, emotionally speaking. It’s been nearly five years since my divorce was final and Meh has arrived.

8 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth Lee

Elizabeth Lee – I totally agree with this! It’s not an instant “meh” after divorce – I’m 5 years since Dday and just now feeling true “meh” most days. It’s a long game, as well. Keep the eye on the prize, Tracy – you will get there!

Sad in Seattle
Sad in Seattle
8 years ago
Reply to  Char

Hi Elizabeth, Their love for the drama is so fucked up.

Realizing he enjoyed hurting me with the triangulation and drama is helping me see that him being gone is a good thing.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sad in Seattle

Being gone is a Very Good Thing. It’s kibble deprivation at its finest.

8 years ago

Tracy (the OP), all the OW has is the window-dressing of your former life. Your former house is no longer a home… it’s a Potemkin village. She has the pizza rolls, but she doesn’t have the happy memories made in that house, the love of your children and the respect of the community.

And on top of all that, her boyfriend took a huge hit to his bank account. For all you know, he’s using your alimony payments as an excuse not to make future plans or make good on his many promises.

The next time OW sends you a barrage of hateful messages, tell her not to contact you anymore and that if she does, you will contact the police. Then, follow through with that threat and report her for harassment.

8 years ago
Reply to  Lulu

I agree. Next time she hits, you send her your very last message–a legal warning. After that, you should be permanently NC.

On the bright side, consider the fact that as soon as you really begin to “mess with her” by ignoring her, the sooner she will start looking for someone else to triangulate with and her lovely situation with your EX will quickly implode. This kind of OW is not going to be happy being ignored–she’ll go find drama elsewhere, and you can enjoy hearing about it from a very safe distance.

8 years ago

Go no contact, cold turkey. It’s the best way for you to heal.

Sad in Seattle
Sad in Seattle
8 years ago
Reply to  LIningUpDucks

Send nothing. Period. Not even a warning. Then get a new number.

Do you think in some way you may still be fighting for your X by engaging, hoping he comes back?

Sad in Seattle
Sad in Seattle
8 years ago
Reply to  Sad in Seattle

That’s what I’m doing when I social media stalk mine, btw. It makes me feel still engaged in his life, still reacting, still playing marriage police even though the game is over.

I’m working on letting go.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sad in Seattle

Sad In Seattle:
I live in Seattle too. You think it’s our miserable climate that makes them cheat. Probably not. More like lousy character.
I still do the social media stalking but mine is now more about watching the twilight zone of a marriage he is in. This was a man who was a red meat and potatoes guy. Not even chicken (Poultry allergy) who now eating ‘Sushi’?!?! He wouldn’t even try grilled fish when I begged him to once while we were on a weekend couples trip.
He’s done a lot of things that a totally or 180 degrees out of character and things he’s swore he never would do since he met the red head whore but oh well…I think she’s a princess who like to get her way and he is totally spineless and afraid of being alone. AKA totally whipped….I smell misery all around soon if not already.
Disclaimer: I was never married to him but we did date for a few years and more importantly he told me he loved me all the time. His betrayal was my first ever venture into the land of infidelity. Sigh! Made me stronger even if it hurt like a motherfucker.

8 years ago
Reply to  Confused123

OMG, yessss, the “chameleon/mirroring” yesssss!!!!

My ex- would rant and rage about the “souped-up” trucks and cars that would “peel-out” and rev their engines by our house for the last two years…now? He has his muffler cut off his shit-er-ado…

When we first met, I felt “so connected” that we “had so much in common— music, faith, idea, ideals, beliefs, etc.” but over time, I realized just how much of a facade all that really was…

8 years ago
Reply to  Confused123

Kar Marie…..”whore juice bitch”…… lmao!!!
Mine changed too… he dressed….talked….what he watched on TV…..he WAS a die hard FOX News Republican Christian moral man…. ( gag…spit….gag) then watched WWF wrestling with her sons….She smokes….he HATES smoking….now buys her her packs.
No dogs were allowed in our house….now their dogs are inside dogs.
But…..NYE…..I bet he was sleeping on the couch….drooling….and she was soooooo bored she texted me.
I personally was asleep until my phone went off. I’m not a party kinda girl.
But a week ago I went out country line dancing and posted on facebook with friends….she texted me after that….she’s jealous….she’s stuck with my old frumpy boring Wasband.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

This is all so typical for narcs. I mean changing for schmoopie my ass. They are just in the idealizing phase of their sick relationship (idealize-devalue-discard, I am sure everyone here is familiar with that). Mirroring whatever schmoopie digs just to get her hooked on them.

I used to go skiing. My X-cheating-SOB claimed he loved skiing when I met him (we were 20 years old) and was a master skier. Accidentally his skiing equipment got stolen from his grandma’s garage where he kept it just a week before we were supposed to go on our skiing trip and didn’t have any money to buy other equipment. And didn’t want to rent because wasn’t comfortable in wearing rental. And on second thought he wouldn’t be skiing ever again because, well had some problems with a knee. And went on and on with this story that I bought like an idiot, read chump. Fast forward 18 years and I find out a month ago that he hasn’t skied in his fucking life. Never had skiing equipment. It was all just a big fat lie.

Claimed he loved reading books (I loooove reading) – never saw him read as much as a newspaper in 18 years, claimed he loved watching movies. Over the past at least 10 years I was going to the movies by myself because he would be too tired or not in the mood for a movie. An the list goes on and on….

My point: they are not changing. They are just mirroring, it’s part of their sick-fuck personas and the rest will follow shortly. But don’t hold your breaths for that. Just say a big thank you for getting rid of their sorry asses and move on with your lives. Be mighty!

((Hugs to everyone here))

8 years ago

So very very true UnchumpingMyself. Mine was a red meat and potatoes, republican, atheist who swore he would never buy a house, get married or have kids. Well he had his wedding in an episcopal cathedral, sold his almost paid off house to buy a $800K new house and now eating sushi. WTF?? Who is this guy? All I can think is it must be true Wuv.

8 years ago

And they know Uneffing, they know. When we had our two months wreckonciliation and I was paying for his therapy – I am such a chump, I know – he told me that the whole therapy thing made him very uncomfortable. He said he feared of what he might find out about himself. Hahaha…Didn’t find out much though, he bailed after a couple of months. I guess narcs and therapy are NOT like peas and carrots.

And of course, at the time, I was in “but I love you, let’s save our marriage, my love for you will make you see that your place is next to your wife and kids” mode and couldn’t make any sense of that. A year later and no contact since April things are much more clear. So for all you good folks who are still in the early stages of finding out and/or dealing with this shit-storm, please stay the course and trust that they suck. Protect yourselves, do your grieving and move on with your lives. You are good people and deserve good lives.

kar marie
kar marie
8 years ago

Agree. I’ve noticed the switching back to many of his old ways. They never change for the better. Whore juices problem now.

8 years ago

So true, Unchumping, they don’t change for schmoopie. Narcs are so basic, it’s like they are on a continuous reel. With each new person, they start out charming and wonderful but they can’t keep up the facade. I can’t tell you how may times X would come home from work telling me how funny, nice, etc. some person was, only to call them a loser in about two months time.

All the chumps on this site are smart, articulate people and these freaks got us to marry them. And it’s not that they got tired of US, they got tired of trying to con us into telling them they are great when we knew better. They don’t like to be told who they really are. At the core. So they go find some idiot who wants attention but the attention is for the narc, not because schmoopie is so wonderful. Schmoopie is just a fresh audience for these one-act, two dimensional, shallow humanoids. And the cycle starts again.

kar marie
kar marie
8 years ago
Reply to  Confused123

By the way cutting off all social media, all of it, best thing I ever did. Never looked or peeked not even once. Ex told me he misses my happy little postings. I took my Facebook account down completely about a year ago. Very freeing way too much drama.

kar marie
kar marie
8 years ago
Reply to  Confused123

Asswipe pulled stuff on me as well. Lost His financial mind, doing things totally out of character for him, going out, meeting, people, wearing deodorant, cologne, dressing better, giving up constant TV watching, well he’s back to that, manscaping, shaving his back you know all the fun stuff I wanted to do with him when we got our empty nest. Nope net the whore and did all with her, left her, came back, lasted four months, she connived him back with her three weeks, has cheated on her three times and is right back to the sniveling, snarling, depressive negative grouchy bastard he was before he met her. Goody goody, they never change. Change for me I no longer have to live with it or him. There ya go whore juice bitch, you wanted the nasty cheater you got him! Hope he marries her and shows her what he is really like. Fucker!

8 years ago
Reply to  kar marie

Kar, my xh came back in feb 2015 to wreckoncile! Alghough he swore no contact and therapy. Went to therapy once then was in contact with his concubine also. Decided to run back to his now 23 year old soulmate, he is 52.
Well happy fucking new year to me, i got my half of marital, and 401 k ?., and he got his daddy issued gf pregnant! Eighteen weeks and counting . His car engine blew up. Can I get an Amen for Karma showing up.
This is truly the fucking you get for the fucking he gave.
Everything in its time. Hang in there! ?

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeanm

LOL! Hope he likes changing diapers. And pushing his car around! I have little sympathy for these people who really, truly, think you never get any older. I love babies, but so much more fun when you’re youthful and full of dreams…
People should have a label somewhere that shows – Ages well, or Extra Peter Pan, some way for us to know! I swear my X thinks he’s 19.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sad in Seattle

Sad in Seattle,

I did the same thing – it felt like an addiction or compulsion. I was accustomed to checking up on my now ex and his OW, so I did – even though it just confirmed what I already knew and held me hostage to their twisted behavior.

I quit checking up on them – cold turkey – in January of 2012. It was really hard at first, and I had to find ways to occupy myself to keep from checking up. It gets easier over time, then the compulsion fades and the pain does, too. It was the best decision I made in all of this madness, and I’m still reaping the rewards today.

I’ve been thinking lately- some 4 years later, when I’m divorced and have moved on with my life, that I should check up on them now. So the urge still crops up from time to time. But I won’t do it. My freedom is so much more valuable than whatever juicy information I might glean. Maybe they are living together in the south of France. Maybe they are living separate, sad, broken lives. I don’t care! It’s wonderful!

Do it. Cold turkey. I promise that you’ll start to heal when these toxic people are no longer a concern.

Good luck,

8 years ago
Reply to  LilyBart

Yes, EXACTLY, LilyBart!!!!

It has been over 6 weeks since I last checked their FB pages and some days I want to ssssooo bad, but then (honest to God) I get here on and I read old posts, check the weather, or just sign out and go wash dishes or something and the urge subsides- it is glorious!!!!

One of my friends told me early on in the divorce, “You have to MAKE yourself not care!!!” I did, and it is so much easier.

Plus, the lack of attention I am giving to them on FB or IRl, the better. HE can’t stand it…

I can’t help but think of how much he triangulated me over and over again with EXH#1 (we met less than 6 weeks after 1st divorce was final) …I would be having a “good day” and not be dwelling on my divorce, custody issues, whatever, and he would just stir me up, get me angry or upset about something with EXH#1 and off I would go – call, email, text, whatever and we would go back and forth for hours…totally emotionally exhausting!!!!

I did learn a lot from that time with the Albatross/TEO’s divorce- NO CONTACT. NO CONTACT. NO CONTACT.

I do not contact him- ever. No matter what. Luckily, so far I haven’t had to contact him for any emergency (thank God) and he usually texts me on his Friday/Sunday when it’s his weekend letting me know if he’s getting her from school or not…other than that, I should NOT have to hear from him- unless he is need of kibble since his new life isn’t as “sparkly” as he wants me to think it is.

8 years ago
Reply to  LilyBart

My New Year’s resolution was to stop checking, and I feel triumphant having made it to Jan 5 without looking once.

8 years ago
Reply to  crushed

Crushed….good job. 5 days is better than no days. He doesnt have a fb…she does….she keeps stuff private. I wonder after its all signed sealed and delivered if that will be the case. I’m sure they will plaster the happiness.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

And that’s when you block her on facebook! I am often surprised that people don’t take advantage of that feature. My ex didn’t have social media but the OW did and I blocked her immediately. Eventually after I got divorced, I blocked all of my ex in laws and ex-neighborhood friends. When you block them you can’t check up on them and more importantly they can’t check up on you.

These people are twisted. When things are going well for them you never hear a peep but when things start going south, they will try to suck everyone into their vortex of fuckedupness! And heaven help you if things might be going better for you than they are for them. It’s better to ignore and never poke that bear by responding.

8 years ago

Tracy, I assume she was the OW on DDay and if so, I’m thinking that she liked that triangle her, him, and you. She’s trying to continue that and you’re playing right into her hand. If you’re not in the game then what is she left with? HIM. Doesn’t sound to me like that will be fun for her since she seems to thrive on involving multiple people in her games. Listen to the advice here and go/stay No Contact. You’re done with him and you deserve to build a new life for yourself and your daughters that is as cheater and OW free as it can be. I don’t think you want your daughters to see you stoop to her level. They will know – she and your ex will tell them so they can be drawn into the games too. Put a stop to it now.

8 years ago
Reply to  ByeByeCheater

She is the OW from the beginning….BUT…as someone commented further down…a memory came.back of something he told his Aunt….he said “if it wasn’t Migdalia, it be another woman and another woman and another…..”
So basically….I’m a cheater…I like women…I’ve had several and that isn’t going to change..

That was a bat upside my head….he portrayed himself as Mr..White Collar Christian Family Man. Key word…..portrayed.

8 years ago

Now his 30 year old princess has to go out on New Years Eve with 20 year olds catching your ex cheater pants eye, so to feel beautiful, she drunk texts his ex wife. Typical weak minded, insecure, OW.

8 years ago

CL is absolutely correct. The best revenge is no contact and (at minimum) the “appearance” of not giving a shit. Every time you engage with your ex or the whore – you feed the beast and it ultimately will bite you – not them.
I’m 2 years out of my divorce – also a long term (25 years) marriage with two daughters who my ex abandoned completely outside of cosmetic interaction for a piece of rough trade he’d been banging for over 4 years as an affair. My daughters were in their late teens and he did delightful things like cut off child support on the day of their graduation as his version of a gift, never paid a cent toward their college education and after the first year of mega Christmas present giving (keep in mind he’s ALL about the show) his frustration at their refusal to meet or engage with his mistress/now wife number 3 was to decrease the gifts for birthdays and Christmas until they were getting coupon packs from a local convenience chain. So I know assholes and their whores.

But after the divorce and short of one hot exchange when I caught him hiding an asset from his bankruptcy and our marital settlement – I’ve been completely NO CONTACT. I blocked his phone and hers and any business phone either might use. I just stopped, and even though I’d get trickling information on the $25K Barbados wedding, the expensive “man cave” he installed, etc – I just reacted in my own head if I felt the need and let it go. And you know what? It bugs the hell out of him. Now he does his best to post things on his FB page (which he always kept private to friends) as public to “show us” what he’s got and how happy he is with all his new life and new money (hers) to spend and not a care in retirement. He wants to be paid attention – and it’s killing him that everyone from his old life just doesn’t seem to care an iota.

You won’t believe it – because they are painting such a picture of blissful togetherness – because they’re “soulmates” after all – but the colors won’t last – they’ll run. Keep remembering NOT what you thought he was, but who he PROVED to be. That will help. Your girls will recognize it – I guarantee. They’ll see who is the true “parent” versus some enfant terrible with horndog issues. You made a killer settlement – better than mine because I only got 50 % of my marital asset on his teacher’s pension. So celebrate your incredible legal team and good fortune and go live life without thinking about your past. Most of the “good” memories that haunt us in the wee hours are skewed by reverie, anyway. And the man you remember -the man you loved just doesn’t exist anymore, if he ever really did. These narcissists really can play a long game when it comes to appearances.

Go live and love your life and family. You won!

8 years ago
Reply to  Char

My ex does not seem to care much at all that neither I nor our three children have anything to do with him, but AP#1 (now his wifestress), sure does. She had blocked me on Facebook on D-Day (we were all “family friends” before I found out about their decades-long affairs), and I never thought a thing about it afterward. But I heard she was less than pleased when I re-married, since my ex had promised her they would marry immediately and ex…ahem….delayed as long as he could. That put her into a rage.

Anyhoo, they finally got married this past summer, and I learned that she had unblocked me and was posting all her Facebook pics for public consumption, in the hopes that I would see them and die of envy. As soon as I found out I blocked her. When she realized her dastardly plan to have us all sobbing and screaming in misery did not work, she then resorted to posting their wedding pics to her own business website. My kids and I still don’t look or react–at all. No fun for Schmoopie.

Our oldest dog died two days ago. Youngest son, now 16, is infinitely sadder about the loss of our faithful and fierce puppy than he ever was over the complete loss of his “father.”

Buh-bye loooooosers! We don’t miss ya.

8 years ago

The best thing you can do is act like you are happy for them. Say you wish them the best and they deserve one another. Because they do. And if you think you’re hurting now, who is going to hurt when he retires and 60 pct of the retirement funds goes to you? HAHA!

8 years ago
Reply to  mirad

Being ‘happy’ for the OW is basically condoning her narc-shit. Don’t do it!

8 years ago
Reply to  mirad


I will never pretend or act like I’m happy for either of them. Why? It contradicts everything we stand for as chumps. Nope. Happy is reserved for knowing I’m not with a disordered asshole.
There is a different type of pain knowing a cheating bitch is living in your home enjoying things you designed and bought. However, that pain too will subside. You Rock the Divorce, Tracy. You came out of it with integrity and respect from your daughters. It’s a new beginning and a new year!! You will shine!! So he has an old appliance, lol.

8 years ago
Reply to  donna

Donna….Old appliance…..yes…. and there will be new models I’m sure. My vacancy leaves hers wide open too.
I miss my house….and my killer stove….not him….not him at all. I’m more pissed she wastes that stove on Pizza rolls than her screwing my husband in my bed….. I saved for 2 years for that stove.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Tracy, I would not engage or let the OW take up any more of your mental real estate…BUT work hard and save your money for a MORE gorgeous stove. Throw a party for your fabulous strong daughter when she graduates and only invite friends and family who had your back and your daughter’s duriing the shit storm you both will have survived. Make your fan fresh pizzas and take photos of you killin’ it over your stove, smiling selfies with you daughter, family and friends. Post those happy pictures on social media. This will likely put OW skank over the edge and she will be raging seeing you and your daughter happy and THRIVING…:)

8 years ago
Reply to  Hope49

Hope49. … I will do that…
If her seeing a post over me out country line dancing throws her over the edge…I can’t imagine my new life….my new debt free…paid by her boyfriend…new life.

Chris W.
Chris W.
8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Look at it the other way: she’s living in a house where every pore and fiber is a reminder of YOU!! That’s got to be a huge smack to her every day – haha!!

Don’t respond to the OW, but also remember you’ll feel differently in 1 year. My 1 year divorce anniversary is this week (yay!). I also got the better end of the settlement deal, and that’s even more apparent 1 year later than it was when the divorce was just being finalized 12 months ago. I kept the house, because Frankenstein moved 2000 miles east to be with the OW and now that’s it’s been a year, and I’m really making the house MINE with renovations and my kids and I are enjoying stress free vacations without The Disordered, and Frankenstein is feeling the pinch of child support, trust me, the bloom will be off the rose on your EH and his OW.

8 years ago
Reply to  Chris W.

Chris….I do wonder what life will be like a year from now. I will be glad to getting back to doing what I do best….hair…and expanding that business. I can’t wait to buy my new digital camera. I had just started taking up photography. I was really getting good at it.

My life for 3 years has been evictions…sheriffs…state police…jail….jail….jail….court dates….arrested….more court dates….fire old attorney…hire new attorney….new job with new attorney….

whew….I need a vacation.

8 years ago

“the fact is, she feels so unhinged by insecurity that she has to taunt you. She WANTS the triangle. She WANTS the competition and the pick me dance. She NEEDS the fight to feel central in Mr. Cheaterpants life”

THIS till the day I die. She is so insecure that her kibbles come in the form of reminding you how your cheater liar husband “picked” her over you. And like everyone says, to be consumed with YOU on NYE and not her family or cheater liar, well that speaks volumes.

8 years ago
Reply to  MagPie

I suspect that he is making her feel “less than.” Like, “Tracy used to make the best pizzas with fresh ingredients” as he chokes down a pizza roll. So, being an unstable, insecure OW, she takes it out on you instead of dumping his ass.

8 years ago
Reply to  movin_on

I am well known for being a fantastic cook. So…..I know he chokes down her rice and beans…tacos…. she is Latino ethnicity. Not that there’s anything wrong with that….but she can’t even make a taco…my daughter has eaten her food…. it’s horrible. I’m told she burns everything.

My husband just admitted in court his girlfriend will.have no use for cookie cutters or icing tools….she doesn’t bake. He said he needed the cookie.sheets….for……GARLIC BREAD AND PIZZA ROLLS…..

8 years ago

Tracy it might be time to get a new number, even if this makes it annoying. Maybe get a burner phone for your ex to call you for emergencies only (so no Memes sent via that way) and get him to not share that with OW (although this might be hard). It is easier to go NC when you don’t get harassed.

8 years ago

So so so true, if she were happy why would she waste her energy to taunt you? They say misery likes company. My guess is that your stbx is wealthy and she is obviously an uneducated bar wench who saw opportunity when she met a rich patron. The thrill of winning him over has worn thin, also he will have less money at his disposal when the divorce will go through to spend on her. You said you won 60% due to the contemptuous manner he treated you, I have a feeling he is about to get a taste of his own medicine,

8 years ago
Reply to  fbi

He can choke that down with a side order of Pizza rolls…..

kar marie
kar marie
8 years ago

The whore sent him home one night with territory marks on his neck how fucking junior high school is that? The bitch is 50. Apparently she gets what’s she wants by any means necessary. Told me everything I needed to know about the hos moral character. And this is what he wants a bitch who worships at his feet with money who throws temper tantrums when she doesn’t get her way. Nice, kind, me thinks not. He ain’t much better goes into rages when he does not get his way. This was a fairly stable stand up guy for 27 years. Think you know someone well apparently not. I sure didn’t. Looking so forward to ending all the drama and bs here let them figure it out. He’s cheated on her multiple times and left and went back twice. Yeah, let will work out. Sure. Best bet hard as it is and it is is no contact with either one. Once I’m gone I’m gone. I will never contact him again. But he wants to be friends and he wants to be there for me in case I need him. For what? More emotional abuse. Hard, hard, hard, move forward and never ever look back!

8 years ago
Reply to  kar marie

Whack-a-doodle-doo for sure!!!!

Yeah, ex-Albatross/TEO is 37, his OWife is 26— Christmas Day he had faint hickey mark on his neck- he made sure to turn his body so I would notice it. I laughed so hard when I left his presence I almost peed my pants!!!! Fucking idiot!!! 37-year-old with a hickey!!! Stay classy!!!!

8 years ago

Seems like wacky ow is pissed about you getting a good divorce settlement. She gets your loser ex and a used stove. She got door #3 on let’s make a deal, a donkey assed cheater and used stove. I give their “marriage” less than a couple of years.

She’s pissed because your loser ex is whining about being broke and she better make pizza rolls on that used stove because he cannot afford to take her out to the Olive Garden.

You didn’t follow the script, you were supposed to go live in a cardboard box and they were going to sip Asti Spumante from each other butt holes and live in pizza roll nirvana.

I hope you’re laughing all the way to the bank.

8 years ago
Reply to  PF

“You didn’t follow the script, you were supposed to go live in a cardboard box and they were going to sip Martini & Rossi Asti-Spumante [I still remember the commercial, LOLOLOL] from each other butt holes and live in pizza roll nirvana. ”



Exactly- I was supposed to drown myself in misery as he goes off and lives his sparkly new life…I was supposed to be broke, miserable, counting the days until he returned…Nope-Nope-Noppity-Nope!!!!

I meant to say this earlier, but NYE was particularly enjoyable for me for the first time in over 13 years I was able to go out where I wanted, with who I wanted and didn’t have to worry about our daughter. You see, he has always claimed that NYE is his “one night” a year he loves to go out with a bang and get tore up. The last 13 years, I was either home alone with our child while he had to “work” or we would go somewhere with our child and he would stay and I would have to take our child home. This year, as per our divorce decree/visitation schedule, he had our daughter- HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAA!!!!! I doubt very seriously that he left our child with his OWife and her two kids plus our child home alone on their “first NYE” so I’m sure he was miserable as fuck and used our conflict from earlier that day to justify his foul mood!!! Not. My. Problem. He wanted his OW, he wanted our divorce, he paid for it and the visitation schedule is what he paid for. Should’ve been nicer about it, asshole!!!! Not that I would’ve changed my plans for his convenience, those days are over!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  PF

PF- You are hilarious!! I love the Let’s Make A Deal reference, I will think of OW getting zonked, because she did! Cheater still lives in her basement, it’s all too funny!

8 years ago
Reply to  PF

PF – too funny! thank you, you made my day!!

8 years ago
Reply to  BetrayedFriend

Pizza roll nirvana…..I’m dying…… and the drinking from the butt hole…… I can’t even…… lol

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Asi Spumante sounds too swish for mz Pizzarollio-more like Ripple, or Mad Dag2020

8 years ago
Reply to  PF

‘You didn’t follow the script, you were supposed to go live in a cardboard box and they were going to sip Asti Spumante from each other butt holes and live in pizza roll nirvana.’

…. ROFL, that’s hysterical PF – thanks for the belly laugh 😀

8 years ago
Reply to  Jayne

Hilarious – thanks PF.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jayne

Jayne, I had to look up ROFL (I’m old!!). While doing that, I was ROFL ~~ thanks PF. Genius!

8 years ago

WOW! She spreads her legs for a married man (one who so easily discards his wife and kids), moves into the discarded wifes HOME, and then TAUNTS the betrayed wife? What kind of person DOES this? You would think she might feel some shame or guilt …but apparently not. She is the same type of person as the cheating man she is living with. Two cruel and selfish people who will probably betray each other someday. Just disgusting.

8 years ago

They are both pathetic. Do what you can to go NC

Supreme Chump
Supreme Chump
8 years ago

Tracy, one of my exh’s OW was one of the lunatic fringe. She would call our home phone, email me, have others call me. She or her friends would say sick things to whoever answered the phone, including my kids. When she started calling the house I would hang up as soon as I knew it was her or her friends. She would call from spoofed numbers so I didn’t know who was calling. So then I assigned a special ring to numbers I knew, such as my family, the doctor, the schools, etc. So I wouldn’t answer the phone if it didn’t have the special ring. I also instructed my children to not answer the phone at all.
OW tried desperately to get a response from me so she ramped up the antics. She would call my then-husband and tell him she was pregnant. That was a lie. She tried to get him to give her money for doctor appointments and transportation to the doctor–you know, because she was fake pregnant. She also started calling my relatives and when one of them would answer the phone, she would shrilly proclaim she was pregnant by then-husband. OW then would call then-husband and accuse him of going to her apartment and leaving things outside her door. What things you ask? It was never quite specified that I can remember. She called at all times of the day from spoofed numbers or private numbers and she would call over and over and over and over.
The reason she did this and escalated her psycho behavior was because I would not respond to her and ignored her. Ignoring her drove her wild. She was out of her mind with desperation to get me to engage. She also became desperate because her true love rejected her and didn’t go running to her after she outer him. Oops, no more fancy dinners and dates and getting her bills paid.
Ignore the OW. She isn’t worth your time and it will drive her nuts. Let the two losers have each other. They will most likely make each other miserable soon enough.

Get Out Yo Seat and Chump Around
Get Out Yo Seat and Chump Around
8 years ago


Think of it this way. If OW has the inclination to contact you it must be getting pretty dull over in Happyville. No more letting her goad you into a teenage drama. You shall be silent, as the ninja.

The disordered need a target. Remove yourself, and allow the inevitable to unfold. Eventually, it will be the cheater she unloads her toxins on to.

8 years ago

the ow for me contacted me through fake accounts on facebook,(blocked many times on daily baiss for 3 months) accusing me of trying to get back with ex, this was early last year. yes i had spoken to him about household things but that was it, she said nasty things about me and things only he could have told her but what really got me was all the nasty things she said about him being such a old horrible fat liar to name a few, then what, they still together now all happy etc or so i think iv been no contact since March 15 , i cant understand how she could slag him off so badly saying all the things i know he is a liar , cheater etc but she sill wants him lol i hope they are very happy for ever and ever and have lots of babies (he never wanted kids and force her to have an abortion last xmas)

Over and Out
Over and Out
8 years ago

All of that “stuff” that that insecure bitch of an OW “won” will serve as a CONSTANT reminder to her of your presence. It’s all of YOUR used stuff — the house and everything in it, including your ex. She merely is a replacement of you. He will expect her to pick up where you left off — nothing will change except that SHE will be dealing with the BS now. Consider yourself LUCKY that soon you will have the opportunity to start fresh with a clean, cheater-free slate — out with the old and in with the new!!

CL is absolutely on point with everything she said. The OW is clearly unhinged and it makes her feel superior to harass you. When you respond to her provocations she feels justified. She KNOWS that she is expendable, an appliance. Don’t beat yourself up at losing your resolve to ignore her taunts — my God, it’s hard not to defend yourself when an “adult” is behaving in such a juvenile manner — attacking you when SHE is central to the issue and clearly does not know boundaries!! She is as guilty as your ex. You know now that responding to her is pointless.

Protect yourself from further abuse — don’t answer calls or open texts from unknown numbers. Change your phone number if necessary. Refuse to take the bait. Hold your head up. Your daughters will soon figure out that their father is disordered. You can help them by teaching them how to assert themselves with him — DO NOT engage with him on their behalf!! College tuition was a battle with my ex. Seek out other avenues — loans, grants, scholarships. Hugs and best wishes to you!!! You will be fine!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Over and Out

Over and Out is right. Every day in your house with your stove and your ex husband reminds your replacement part that she is Not You. She is living with your sloppy seconds and will be expected to do what you did so well and know your ex’s preferences as you did, and she will fall short. Every day. Not your fault, not your problem. Stay no contact with the both of them.

8 years ago

Tracy, you gave more details of this sick situation you’re in on yesterdays post. I’m not at all surprised your divorce has notoriety in the courts. I’ve read some disgusting stuff here at CL and your story ranks high in the most disgusting stakes. I’m really, honestly so sorry you’ve suffered this crap from him, her and (as I gathered yesterday) one of your daughters.

It seems to me there’s no evil deed low enough that these three fuckwits would stoop to to harm you. I seriously encourage you to take your settlement and get you and your true daughter as far away as you possibly can. Go completely no contact with all three of them (am I right in believing your evil daughter is a mother herself – so she’s not a child). Change all your contact details, go X/D on landline, create a new email account, leave the social media you may have. Share your new contact details only with those you can trust will not pass them on to these three psychopaths. Seriously consider getting a protective order against all three. No one deserves to be abused the way you have been abused by them (and your true daughter was emotionally abused by her father and her sister IMHO). I just don’t understand why the need to continue this vendetta against you – the stupid bitch ‘won’ her prize – what more does she want now? She certainly gets her jollies by abusing you (comments about your private parts on social media – seriously? I hope whoever reads that crap are judging her for the deranged lunatic she is – classy – not)!

You have a good settlement Tracy. As CL says, there are other shiny stoves in the world. There are other lovely houses. The great news is you get to have the house and stove that are not contingent on the whims of a completely evil bastard. You get to cook pizza for a daughter that appreciates your love and nurture.

Don’t give batshit crazy OW space in your head. She’s seriously, seriously sick and you are so much more than her.

Over and Out
Over and Out
8 years ago
Reply to  Jayne

I, too, went back to re-read yesterday’s comments… Tracy, You have every right to feel violated. Your story is absolutely heart-wrenching — such sick, vile acts of cruelty and abuse you have endured. I am so very sorry for your pain. I pray that you are able to overcome this trauma soon and find peace in your life. I hope you have a good counselor to help you sort through all of the unconscionable mindfuckery. (((many hugs to you!!!)))

8 years ago
Reply to  Over and Out

Thank you Over and Out!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Jayne

Jayne’s reply sent me back to yesterday’s post to read comments I missed. I think, Tracy, you would benefit from reading about “emotional” incest, which describes situations in which an adult substitutes a child for a spouse. The book I read years ago was “The Emotional Incest Syndrome: What to do When a Parent’s Love Rules Your Life,” by Patricia Love. It’s written for adults recovering from a “special” relationship with a parent but is useful for anyone raised in a household where a parents substituted unhealthy relationships with the kids for a healthy relationship with a spouse. A parent destroying the emotional boundaries between generations is very damaging for the whole family but can make it impossible for a child to grow up and have healthy intimacy. As I recall, the book has a great list of what partners should expect from each other (and which should not be the provence of the child)–from physical intimacy to social partnership.

There may be other, better books about this kind of emotional abuse. In order to help yourself heal, and to help your younger daughter, counseling or therapy is probably in order. You don’t want to replicate the dysfunction in your new family unit by making your younger daughter your ally. I was raised in a household like this–my father was distinct and absorbed with work and civic matters; my mother was reclusive and narcissistic and pretty much ruined my brother. And certainly, my own struggles with intimate relationships tracks back to the struggle to maintain my “self” in relationship to a mother with no boundaries.

This stuff is far, far more important than your house or your stove; it’s a fight and struggle to learn healthy functioning so you can move on and to save your younger daughter’s life.

8 years ago
Reply to  LovedaJackass

My father was “distant,” not “distinct.” Sorry.

8 years ago
Reply to  LovedaJackass

Emotional incest….. omgosh……that is exactly it….
Another sick part is he came.home drunk at 2 am.and went to my younger daughters bedroom…she was up watching a movie….he crawled into bed with her….laid his head on her chest…starting telling to tell him she loved him…..
His whore was not in for the weekend.
I wasn’t told this until recently…..she was scared I would kill him and go back to jail.
She was right…. I about lost my mind when I found out. She tried to commit suicide because of it…another thing I didn’t know until months later.

He knows I will fight to the end for my daughter….and frankly I think he is afraid of me. And should be….. NO father lays in bed with his 19 year old daughter cuddled up on her chest…. sick sick sick……

8 years ago

Oh girl . . . look . . . think for a second about the mindset of the typical OW. Here’s someone that was willing to be second best. I imagine she could have nabbed someone down at the local dive, but she didn’t. She is so pathetic, she settled for someone who already had a family and a wife. Think about the kind of person it takes to do this. This bitch is broken. And the fact that she is still threatened enough and obsessed enough with you to text you and take swipes at you SCREAMS she’s a loon, and that she still needs the ego boost she gets by fucking with you. She wants you to give a shit. Look at that! You’re central. 

That’s all kinds of fucked up.

From this day forward, live a happy life. Ignore her. And on social media, do not engage. Don’t post things that may somehow be contrived as a jab at her. People like this LIVE for this shit. Oh look! She’s jealous of me! Just don’t.

The next time she texts you, you say,”Look, I’m flattered you’re still obsessed with me, but you need to get a life.” Mic drop. And leave it be. After that, say absolutely nothing. Let her choke on her pizza rolls in your old house. (And again, consider the minuscule self esteem she must have to actually live in your old house!)

The OW in my case was utterly desperate for some kind of interaction with me. She would post things on Facebook designed to hurt me and her X Husband (who she was cheating on with my X). He took the bait from what he told me, and he would kick himself for it. I never said one fucking word to her. She’d post shit all over Pinterest as well. I never did a thing. Then the blocked hang up calls started to happen. Next, she’d do drive-bys down my street. And all I could think is, why in the ever-loving fuck is she buzzing around me. You got my husband, have at it bitch.

In the end, she won a cheater and I won a great life. It worked out for everyone! So, don’t let her get under your skin. I guarantee you, her day is acoming.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rumblekitty

Rumble kitty you always post great insight and advice !!! Thank you

8 years ago

You have to be a loon to be an OW. It’s in the job description. Right below “Must be willing to give No Strings Attached Parking Lot Blow Jobs” and “Must Love to share every boring minuscule detail of your boring minuscule life”. By the way, OW. All those secrets you love to share? They really aren’t so secret, after all. Dumb bitches.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anita

This comment made my day!

8 years ago
Reply to  newchumpatl

Thank you, newchumpatl. Cheaters do some crazy stuff.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anita

Holy crap. That’s the mow here too. And she wrote all her secrets out in emails, stupid illiterate hillbilly. Which I found. Always ending the note with “don’t tell anyone!” Well, I did tell everyone the stupid shit she did, like cheat on her first h with his brother who is now her h. Her only skill, and it loses its shine after a bit, is blowing who ever she thinks will elevate her professional status. And after 25 yrs, she’s still entry level. I will thank her for not being on the fringe, even though she did not like being dumped and fired. She only emailed me once with 1 sentence and I ignored her. Then I moved 1000miles away.

It does piss me off that it’s been over 2 years and she still is under my skin.

8 years ago

No Contact is your best friend here.

HM offers strong advice. Refuse to engage in any kind of exchange, and document each message that Batshit Crazy OW (BSCOW) sends to you. Follow up on your promise to contact the authorities. If you feel uncomfortable in making this kind of ultimatum, have your lawyer do it for you.

In the meantime, practice flipping the OW’s negatives into positives. OW boasts about how she’s heating up plastic frozen food in the oven you bought to create gourmet feasts. Okay. Think about this. OW can’t fucking cook! Now think even more: your crap STBXH prefers someone who’d feed him cheap grocery store junk food over someone who loves cooking great meals. And OW thinks she’s an upgrade? Hah!

By the way, next time you see STBXH in court, check to see if he’s a bit heavier. OW may be 30, but at 30 you can’t eat pizza rolls without penalty, and if your STBXH is over 40, then he definitely can’t eat that kind of diet without it catching up to him.

Oh, and the fact that she’s putting up the Christmas tree that you bought? Either your STBXH is too damn cheap to buy another one or the BSCOW is desperately trying to assume your identity. Poor thing really feels threatened. 😛

So go No Contact with OW. If you do happen to see something that’s irritating, flip it around to see it for the pathetic ploy that it is.

Then go take that settlement and alimony and build a great life for you and your kids!

8 years ago
Reply to  kb

Kb….. thanks….and every word you said is true…. and my stbx is 57….soooooo junk food is not his friend. I’m 46….Whore is 34. ….

It takes alot to be who I was….wife mother PTO member….Senior Class Mom….Jr. Prom committee…band mom….cheer mom…..Hairdresser…..master gsrdener…and budding photographer.

My shoes are huge….and designer….

8 years ago

Tracy, I had something very similar happen with my cheating whore of an ex-wife. Fucktard (my classy name for her OM boss) got her knocked up and she ran away out of state because she was a fucking coward. Fucktard starting texting me on one of those fake number apps, saying things like my children weren’t mine and she was going to get full custody and all sorts of shit. I didn’t respond, not that I didn’t want to I wanted to do a HELL of a lot more than respond, but I realized that they were both behind these texts, they were trying to get a response from me to use against me. Don’t ever think they will stop trying to get that money back from you, and making your life miserable is just the icing on the cake for them. They are trying to make you lose it so badly that they can take everything from you. Your STBX knows about these texts, I guarantee it. One of the hardest things I have done was to ignore that shit, I showed it to my lawyer and to as many of our mutual friends as possible and I saved that shit. Not to remind myself of how lucky I am to get away from that whore but also as a protection for me. Give that shit to your lawyer and the cops and let them deal with it. Fuck those assclowns, someday the veneer will wear off and like CL says then they are just left with each other and the pile of shit they created.

8 years ago
Reply to  accubonded

Accubonded… ex DOES know….he stupidly admitted to knowing about her fake face book page recently. He has a PFA on me….so I cannot contact him….but he harrasses me thru her all the time.. The police know…..
It’s sad when the PA State Police pull you over for a traffic citation….and ask when your divorce is going to be final.

8 years ago

I never heard from the OW, even though they were carrying on for eight years until the stbx finally left. Then he went no contact on ME. The only thing I ever saw was a sarcastic email from her to him, threatening him not to give me any money to run/keep the house! So- although my agreement is not yet final, I will get zero maintenance, zero interest in the business I helped him build and he gets to keep all the money he doesn’t know I can see he is hiding from me. So, I got nothing except all the debts, my 401k and the roof over my head. In NY, if you can work, no maintenance (alimony). So you got a great deal financially. Maybe I would have felt better if the OW had bothered to harass me but I am so unimportant, they both treat me as if I am dead. I have never met her, never spoken with her and I hope/pray that I never do. I do think, however, that her constantly contacting you means that she feels you are still a threat. Although I didn’t choose to go no contact, it has really helped me to heal. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to be have to be harassed by the very person who participated in breaking up your marriage. Stop engaging. They will go away if it’s not fun for them anymore. If they were truly happy, they wouldn’t be bothering you. Plus you have the satisfaction of knowing that your husband ended up with a woman who is truly bat shit.

8 years ago
Reply to  lostandfound

Lost and found ……that is a raw deal. Alimony is rare these days. And I fought for mine… my divorce judge….is my criminal judge….he watched my husband put me in jail. He heard my daughters testify against him (in the beginning) so he valued that in the settlement. …thank God.

I have become something I never imagined…..I am so strong….jail tough….street smart….and I will take on any judge or lawyer….they don’t intimidate me at all. They are no better than me. No worse…..

my boss is my attorney and I’ve told him off a time or two. We respect each other. I have changed how he handles divorce. I bring knowledge to the table. I got a freaking law degree in the school of divorcing a narcissistic asshole.

8 years ago
Reply to  lostandfound

(((((Hugs))))) lostandfound, you got a raw deal.

The little twit my ex carried on with never contacted me at all. I can’t even imagine what I’d say if she ever did. Ha-ha at this point I might actually thank her!

I just thought you really do have a great outlook now and gave some good advice.

8 years ago


All good advice here but I’m gonna dip down into the low – pizza rolls? Seriously. Ugh.

I’m sure the beautiful oven is not clean either.

It’s hard to believe that a spouse could replace YOU with that! We are all in that boat, spinning in the current wondering WTF just happened. Now that your divorce is final, go get some peace. I am still working on that but, this past week I heard Fatso got engaged to the Downgrade at Christmas (ahem, he proposed on Christmas Day to me as well….apparently that’s all his playbook has in it). Now I’m not gonna tell you it didn’t bug me, but not nearly as much as I thought it would. Cheers to me.

Block that number, record all future interactions with the idiot OW and go silent!

Hugs and MEH to you!

8 years ago
Reply to  Chumpfor21

My one daughter said that as she was leaving the house the other night his whore was on her hands and knees wiping down the front of the stove…..seems being on her knees is her preferred position. She had just made Tacos for dinner…and offered my moving out daughter one….My girl declined….
Would you like a Taco to go with the Happy Meal of an imploded life I served you????

My girl held her own……I am proud of her.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Tracy, I want to give your daughter and you a BIG (((hug))). I applaud your daughter’s reserve and calm. As a young woman I think I might have backed OW into the stove and put her in a choke hold. Next- I would have smeared that f***in’ taco in OW skank’s face! 🙂

8 years ago

“I know that I know that I know my STBX is a bastard who threw away his family and 20 years on a 30-year-old bar whore. No news flash there….But, how do I get past that I am not over losing my life, losing my house, losing my dreams for my daughters to graduate college…How did I allow a meme from his whore plunge me into a depression spin?”

When I look at the passage from your letter quoted above, it seems that you answer your own question. A meme from the OW can plunge you into depression because you believe you have “lost” your life and your dreams. Never mind the house. I get how hard it is to see your well-loved home in the hands of the OW. But think of that as a symbol of your old life. You had a lovely home and possessions that were destroyed by cheating. Those things were just things; what matters was the love and hope you invested in them. The six-burner, commercial grade stainless steel stove will eventually wear out. You would buy a new one and not miss it a bit. What you are mourning is what it stood for–how you nurtured your family. But as long as your focus is on what you’ve lost, the OW will retain the power to control how you feel, what you do. She has stuff that belonged to you, but while you lost a cheater and a house, you gained your life.

So your family is downsized. You have daughters to get through college. Now that you are almost free of legal entanglement, how far are you on the road to re-desiging your life? One of the Pinterest boards I started is called “Begin Again.” Mostly, it’s just a collection of sayings and quotations about starting over. But every time I pinned one, it reminded me that I was “beginning again,” and I was free to design the life I want right now. Once you put your focus on building a new life–and building as someone smarter and wiser and tougher than the one who picked STBX–the OW and the Cheater will be receding in your rear view mirror. You can find a great place to live, just the right size, and choose every single thing you want to have in it, from the thrift shop clock on the mantle to the vintage double-oven enameled stove–if that’s what you want. All to reflect the person you are becoming.

I’m thinking that if the OW was using some secret phone number, you have probably blocked her known numbers. The simplest is to get a new number and give it out only to those you trust or for business purposes. Annoying and inconvenient for a few weeks but then you get no texts from Schmoopie. And your STBX doesn’t get that number. You deal with him primarily through email. That gives you time and space to respond to him. If he needs to be able to contact you by phone regarding your daughters, keep the old phone line for that purpose or buy a Trac phone. My guess is that part of the triangulation is your STBX getting to you by using the OW–she is just a mouthpiece for his rage that you fought back and got a settlement. A cell phone gives them a direct line into your recovering mind and emotions. So the person to crack down on is the Cheater. Set up clear rules and boundaries for communication with HIM and stick to them. If it’s not too late, have that process outlined in the settlement.

You are mighty. You got the divorce, you got a kick-ass settlement. Now raise those girls to be strong, resilient and independent. There is nothing in the world to prevent them from going to college. What it will take is a reckoning with available resources and a smart selection process that maximizes educational value and minimizes debt. Maybe the girls can commute. Or maybe they can become “resident assistants” after the first year and thus get free rooms. You are one smart cookie, money-wise. I am sure you are up to the challenge of figuring out how they can finance college while at the same time becoming financially savvy women who know how to look after their own interests. You can do this.

8 years ago
Reply to  LovedaJackass

Loved a Jack ass……YES….YES…YESSSSSSSSSSS to everything you said!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  LovedaJackass


Everything you said!!

8 years ago
Reply to  LovedaJackass

All true. Your new untainted life will be exactly what you choose. No negotiated compromises that result in a hideous naugahyde Barcolounger in your living room (or whatever your equivalent was). In time, losing that house will feel like the blessing that it was because it housed some really shitty memories you’d rather live without. The STBX and the OW will find another outlet for their antics or will turn on each other once you’ve left the game. You can absolutely do this.

8 years ago

Time for me to confess. The Bible says we can confess our faults to each other and be healed. Chump Nation is my safe haven -you all understand. So here it is–I said terrible hurtful, but true things to the OW and I loved it. I am still not sorry in the least. It is so pathetic. My CH, the OW and I are all grandparents and still acting like children. In honor of all my more mature fellow chumps, I pledge to work on having a better attitude.

8 years ago
Reply to  linda2

You don’t need to answer to us. I’ve said things to OW once as well, and while I know it wasn’t my finest moment as a human, I also don’t lose any sleep over it.

8 years ago
Reply to  linda2

Linda2, that is hilarious! High five on acting like a child and not being sorry for it!

8 years ago
Reply to  accubonded

I made Jesus blush…. trust me…. I even sent her the “pointing cool jesus” saying you got to be kidding me right???

I sent her things about she has had more balls in her mouth than a game of Hungry Hungry Hippos….

Whore, slut, slore, slunt, C word…. cum dumpster,

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

OMG, LMAOOOOOOO!!!!! Holy shit, that’s hilarious!!!! I love “cool Jesus”

ROTFLMAO @ Hungry-Hungry-Hippos!!!!! Awesome!!!!

Whenver I get our daughter back from his visits, he wears a DILLIGAF (Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck) shirt- he has 3 or 4 now in a variety of colors, LOL. Anyway, I think I am going to have a shirt made with “cool Jesus” on it saying “I may love you, but every one else thinks you’re an asshole!!!”

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Bahahaha….the “pointing cool Jesus!” OMG, I have to go find Jesus memes now, just for the fun of it!

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Hungry Hippos!!! Stop I’m dying laughing!!!!!

It might not be healthy to say it to her, but goddamn that shit is FUNNY

just come here and say it all – we’ll truly appreciate it

8 years ago

“She finally has to confront her prize”. Perfectly stated, CL. For some of these whores it’s all about the win. They need to engage in a battle to the death with another woman. (They most likely were ignored by all the boys in middle school and hated the girls they paid attention to.) When they “win” this battle (snort!) and claim their prize, all the fun goes out of it for them. So they have to keep prodding – Hoping to get a response.

If their relationship was all about Twue Wuv, she’d be satisfied with her dumpster of shit. I think she’s realized that her first prize medal is made of brass and will soon tarnish and get that black shit all over her hands. Whores hate that.

This too shall pass
This too shall pass
8 years ago

Most of us have done it, going bat shit crazy and say something we regret. Forgive yourself, the craziness could drive a sane person mad. You had a moment, now move on.

OW is pathetic. They deserve each other. Good news you don’t have to deal with it anymore.

As far as college, people who have to work harder to achieve something end up being better for it. Your daughter will learn this and become more successful in her career and life.

Good luck!

8 years ago

My then-husband and his schmoopie were extremely exhibitionist about their affair (once I found out about it). Pictures on FB, glamorous formal parties, “I have the best girlfriend EVER!” posts on social media, dates to all of the places I liked, etc. I engaged. I called her a whore. I wrote her an angry letter mocking her for dating a loser who had needed to bum money for gas off his disabled daughter (for reals). They took all that and carved it into an “his soon-to-be-ex-wife is ‘psycho’ and ‘dangerous'” narrative. Their’s was a forbidden love and I was the angry, scorned wife trying to stand in their way, she was the real victim here.

So, I stopped. Went NC and blocked them both on FB. Told them they were two pieces of crap and I was glad they’d found one another because, so long as they were together, they were no longer floating around in the dating pool, contaminating it for the rest of us. Stopped caring (or at least, stopped giving off the appearance of caring) and stopped engaging.

They broke up a few weeks later. Turns out the satisfaction from winning the “pick me” dance was the only thing that kept schmoopie around and once I was gone, schmoopie had little reason to stay.

Do NOT triangulate with crazy. Don’t do it. The satisfaction of insulting her will be short-lived and it just isn’t worth it. Withdraw and leave them to themselves to make the best of what they find there. Chances are, what they find there is going to be hell.

8 years ago

And in regard to Jayne’s observation about Tracy’s post yesterday, it’s clear that STBX has major triangulation issues–pitting one daughter against his wife to get her put in jail, pitting the OW against his wife, pitting the daughters against each other. Once Tracy disengages entirely, what’s left: the OW against the crazy daughter. Or another OW. So the faster Tracy goes no contact and stays that way, the faster STBX will look elsewhere for his triangle.

8 years ago
Reply to  LovedaJackass

True….so true.. beyond true. Omgosh when I read that I felt nauseated.

moving forward
moving forward
8 years ago

Tracy, you need to acknowledge that you are still angry at your EX and jealous of the OW. Listen, I get it. My EX bought a house and moved in with OW#2 but told me he just needed ‘space to think about things’. Did I mention he was 40 and she was 25? I was devastated that he chose an unattractive, untalented and manipulative 25 year old over me. (I knew her.) Were they in love? I don’t know. I was stuck on the fact she was 25 — and that he left a few days after my 40th birthday leaving me in limbo while I waited for him to figure stuff out. (I discovered what he had been up to on DDay#2.) I didn’t see that my self esteem from the lies and gaslighting was zero. I couldn’t acknowledge that my relationship was hell by the end.

Slowly I got my life back. I got ME back. I am very grateful to be free.

You can’t see that the battle is now over. You’ve got a great settlement. Once you get some space/time — you can start to see what you have gained. You can now move ahead with your life.

How do you get to meh? Start by doing positive things to channel your anger. I started taking long walks and did spinning. I had a stress ball I squeezed the crap out of. Start living your life again.

Let her get fat on the pizza rolls!!! And, absolutely go NC.

8 years ago
Reply to  moving forward

How the fuck is ‘feeling nauseated at the OW’s batshit craziness’ ‘jealous of her’? Seriously? Thats an insult to Tracy.

8 years ago
Reply to  Lania

Lania…. I don’t get insulted anymore. Really. I can’t be offended after what I’ve been thru. I’ve been thru alot…
Orange is the New Black has nothing on my life….

if I were to be honest….I am jealous of the OW. Not her…or who she is….but what she was able to do. How she got my husband to step up to the plate.
But then I think HOW she accomplished it….and I’m not so jealous. I don’t make my happiness by breaking other people down.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Yeah. Thing is, you don’t need more insults thrown your way. Its disrespectful.
The way she got him to step up is through fear – so please don’t be jealous of that.
She’s the kind of person I’d like to see destroyed, and I’m not naturally a vindinctive person unless you cross me or someone I care about.

Ninja Chump
Ninja Chump
8 years ago

You said she was texting you all week? You never actually SPOKE to her and heard her voice? Are you absolutely sure it was the OW and not the Ex husband who was sending the messages? Even if it wasn’t him directly you can bet your life he knew what she was sending and reading your replies. Kibbles by proxy.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ninja Chump

Great concept, “kibbles by proxy.”

8 years ago
Reply to  LovedaJackass

I know he read them….and my responses. Because he mentioned something I said in one on Sunday when my daughter demanded to be let in to move her stuff out….which he has refused. I texted the fake app # I would file a contempt order…..he referenced that to her.

I hope he like the one I sent on NYE with a picture of a guy sleeping on the couch…hand in his waistband drooling….my caption read….”and to think, you swallowed to get that…clap clap clap…”
See…..I can be nasty….

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Holly shit, that freakin hilarious!!!!! I need to save that one for when and if she ever contacts me!!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

That is fucking awesome! I love it!

8 years ago

So glad you came here.

From the other woman’s perspective, she texts you I think because she realizes the gulf of class, intelligence and just ethics that separate the two of you. When she uses that stove, she doesn’t know how to really cook, and it points out her uttter lack of everything that you are. It galls her so she texts you to try and bring you down.

Never heard from my OW. My kids have given their sperm donor and her an earful of their unhappiness.

Everyone is right, ignore her. If you felt totally in control you could text her back how to cook on it. That would just inflame her because she texts you because she is insecure about her place in his life. Her age is an accident of birth, nothing she had control over. She knows OW #x could be being born right now, and there is nothing she can do about it.

You step back and they have to focus on each other. That won’t be pretty. He will start talking about homemade pizza and she will start talking about her 30 year old twat.

these older men who fear aging hook up with these young skanks in an attempt to regain youth and grasp for an illusion. they are old. Nothing they can do about it. I saw a picture of Jimmy Page, 76, with a wad of cash in one hand and a 26 year old on his arm. If he didn’t have the wad of cash, would the 26 year old even look at him? No. These guys are renting a twat. Pathetic.

Go be mighty, girl. You already are.

I Am Strong
I Am Strong
8 years ago

I unfortunately contacted the OW even though my husband and her were not together anymore when I found out about the affair. I unfortunately thought I was going to get an “I’m Sorry!”. It didn’t work that way. She calls herself a mentor and life coach–so she wrote blogs about the situation making fun of me and if someone is “offended” it says more about the offended than anything else. Supposedly she has now written a book on how to get over an affair from the standpoint of the other woman to give us new perspective. Doesn’t that sound like something all of us want to read? The OW telling us how to get over it.

8 years ago
Reply to  I Am Strong

Well sign me up for the advance copy of that book! (not)

Short book–how to get over an affair? Leave the fucker.

Ninja Chump
Ninja Chump
8 years ago
Reply to  I Am Strong

Jesus. She pokes fun at YOU? They really are very peculiar people cheaters and side dishes, they just aren’t playing with a full deck.

8 years ago

Public Service Announcement: I had contacted the OW – one time. She, being the disordered coward that she is didn’t pick up the phone. Me, being the naiive Chump that I was, decided to leave her a message. I started by trying to get her to understand my pain and quickly realized that I was getting close to begging her for MY husband. I quickly switched tone and told her that I was a problem that she didn’t need. How lovely of her to use that in an “Injunction Against Harassment” that she filed against me! SHE was the “VICTIM”! The courts apparently only grant those if multiple instances of harassment occur, so she used what I wrote to ex about her (innocuous things like she has a big nose, she has bad skin along with some other un-kind sentiments) and then she made up some fantasy crap for good measure. She put ex up to filing a restraining order within 2 weeks of hers. (I had a texting war with him when I realized that he brought her home to meet his parents for Thanksgiving – less than 3 weeks after our 70 day divorce, so I used lots of adjectives for them both).

So, all I did was give the perpetrators “Victim” status. I was the “crazy” ex. Funny, they didn’t mention that I called her a “whore” in the restraining orders or him an “adulterer” – guess they were ok with those titles.

The people on this forum are right. Once you’re removed from the triangle, the disordered don’t necessarily like it. The unintended benefit of their orders was that it forced me to be NC. I don’t think they enjoyed that. Ex then started the financial harassment stuff (we still owned a home that was for sale – I vacated it and went off the grid after the orders). He didn’t want to pay for 1/2 of the upkeep. I had to pay an attorney to pursue him for his half of the monthly expenses. My attorney told him to cut the shit with the financial bullying. The house sold and now he has no reason to contact me. He married the whore – I wish them all the happiness they deserve. Bottom line, you will not win by engaging them. Winning is letting the whore have your cheating spouse.

8 years ago
Reply to  Cindy

She filed Harrassment charges on me back in August. She told the judge….”this has to stop…it’s been 3 years”…she used a fake text app then to text me as well. The judge continued it for 120 days….. we go in March. I will be taking her most recent Memes to court with me. I wonder what he will think of the Meme that my Vajayjay looks like 5 lbs of chewed bubble gum. Hmmmmmm…….she is vile.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

I absolutely understand how you feel. I was harassed by the OW for 2 years. She preferred to send anonymous letters to my workplace or to call me at work with her “fake voices”. I had to explain to the secretary who handles all the calls that she should refuse to put anyone through to me. She was kind enough to take a message and get a phone number so I could call back anyone who wanted to talk to me. Do whatever it takes to ignore her and refuse to engage.

You will be seething with anger for 2-3 years if you are like me and will find it very difficult to take the high road. There is a song that really helped me. It is called “Pray for You” by Jaron Lowenstein. It has lines like “I pray your brakes go out going down a hill” . It was my theme song for 2 years. Whenever she did something new and underhanded, I sang it out loud if I was alone or in my head silently if my kids were around. I sang it when I felt like responding so that I kept NC. I did a lot of praying that first year. lol

After 2 years of this, a funny thing happened. I stopped wishing ill to her and started actually praying for something good to happen to her. I prayed that she would win the lottery or find someone wonderful to be with or anything that would help her to move on out of my life. That prayer was answered. I don’t hear from her and my husband stopped seeing her when she turned on him. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have a unicorn. Pretty sure he is on to a new OW, but I am on to his cheating and have been financially protecting myself in preparation. Don’t stoop to their level. You are the better person and you know it.

Step 1 – Ignore OW
Step 2 – Leave cheater
Step 3 – Meh

Easy to say, but hard to do.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Tracy–you can’t take that OW seriously. Total whack job. Document, document, document…and then don’t respond. Her missives are laughable.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tempest

Tempest….I don’t take her seriously….BUT….. it got to me this time….probably because it was the holiday. I used to go all Martha Stewart on Steroids for Christmas….another legendary thing I’m known for…. so she totally wanted my tree and ornaments and even dismantled a swag I had done…..WTF Ghetto Barbie….don’t mess with Martha and her ornaments….. now THAT shit intake for damn sure serious….I’ll cut a bitch who messes with my Christmas decorations….

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

I’m with you on the ornaments; I have seven, count ’em SEVEN different tree themes, with ornaments acquired over decades. In order of importance for custody: Children, dogs & fish, Christmas ornaments. I’m sorry Owhore has yours; I feel for you, I really do.

The good thing about being Martha Stewart on steroids is that you can make more ornaments (better than before).

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

I can’t believe you didn’t get the Christmas stuff, I don’t go crazy but I love my tree and would never let anyone have those ornaments. Sorry that happened.

8 years ago
Reply to  Datdamwuf

DITTO Datdamwuf. Every ornament in this family exists because I got it, or the kids made it and I kept it, or they were given to ME or the kids as gifts from other people. I know every box that every ornament is kept in, even the ones that aren’t labeled. I know which ones get wrapped in tissue paper to protect them and can look at each one and REMEMBER when I got it, who gave it to us, where it came from. Each and every one holds a memory for me. I don’t think he’d want them, but if he does, he better be prepared to pass a written exam proving he’s worthy of them.

8 years ago
Reply to  2kids2love

2 kids2love…..^^^
He never bought an ornament. EVER. He kept them because they are important to me. If it hurts me….he’ll do it…she will help

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Ugh…sorry Tracy. When I had initially told this story to CN, they told me that the disordered are much better at gaming these things. Truly, it is a losing proposition for the Chump to engage – you’re playing their game, at their home field and the disordered always have the advantage at the Crazy Dome. I was raw as my ex fast-tracked the divorce and was so cruel to me, denying the affair the entire time. When I found out he was banging twinkle twat, I wanted justice, but really, there isn’t any. My energy would have been better spent on healing ME. There’s that saying about wrestling pigs, you get dirty and the pig enjoys it.

Yes, OW is vile, amoral, disgusting and certainly, disordered. A perfect prize for a cheating asshole like your EX (and mine). Hugs to you.

8 years ago
Reply to  Cindy

Cindy, I love this response. The Crazy Dome. Hahahaha

8 years ago

My ex would periodically try to stir up drama (we have to have some contact, because of the kids). In the beginning it would really upset me, so I would just open a Word doc, copy over his idiotic provocations, then write every response I wanted to make, every one, with all the cuss words included, all my contempt.

Then I’d save the doc in my ‘secret’ file (didn’t want the kids finding it), and walk away.

I knew it was useless to respond, whether in a reasonable or an angry way, and I knew he’d get off on the drama. So I gave him silence. Shut him down a lot faster, and drove him nuts, bonus!

Deal with your emotional reactions, by yourself or with people who care about you – friends, family, therapist. Deal with your ex and the OW with silence.

8 years ago
Reply to  KarenE


THAT is a great idea!!!! I am going to start doing that…If I were to go back and copy & paste, etc. every disordered text I have received from him, I’d have a book as thick as the telephone book used to be!!!!

Over and Out
Over and Out
8 years ago
Reply to  KarenE

Good advice, KarenE… I, too, wrote many letters to my ex that I did not send, but it was therapeutic to see those words spelled out. It was strictly an emotional outlet for me. Don’t give them ammunition to use against you.

8 years ago
Reply to  Over and Out

I wrote letters from JAIL…..word of advice….. never do that…..ever….

chump for 30yrs
chump for 30yrs
8 years ago

As a chump who was blissfully unaware of her status for the entire length of the affair (one year – an std 30 years later exposed what I just didn’t want to see), I can tell you in that I now see in retrospect that the OW was ALL about drama. She left BABY gifts at my house on multiple occasions, (she was a newly single, husband – hunting work whore and my baby was 2 yrs old) and never ceased presenting herself at every occasion possible.She visited to “meet the baby” . He invited her to dinner. I cooked it. I even went to her wedding (she found another sucker). It was as if they were screaming “Catch us! Look! This is FUN!!”
My husband (yes, I’m a unicorn) now admits that he “felt like a bad ass” having 2 women, and that he was jealous of my attention to my child. ugh. The drama that unfolded 30 years later was the ugliest thing I’ve ever experienced. (and I’ve had cancer – it beats that)
Bottom line : We are in therapy (over a year now) and it’s Still painful. It will never NOT be painful. I’m a unicorn who 30 yrs later is trying to make it work. Listen, they stopped when the OW realized he wasn’t leaving me. He just wanted cake. He realized that there is a price for cake. I was the reason it was fun: there was excitement because it was illicit. But I missed the whole thing. Game over for OW.
Walk away from the pain, Tracy. You have that opportunity. I can tell you this: Both my husband and the former OW are currently MISERABLE. Years later, it’s NOT FUN for them to look back on their fuck fest.He’s ashamed, and she’s married to a public figure and doesn’t want anyone to know. My husband refers to the affair as ” the worst mistake of his life.” duh. They became their own worst nightmares.
Your STBX and his hideous honey are destined for their own personal misery. Without YOU to make each of them seem desirable to each other, they are left with what they are – self possessed assholes. Don’t give them attention so they can hold on to their fun & games. Peace, lady. Take your money and go far far away. There are stainless steel ovens there, and much,much more.

8 years ago

Chumpfor30 – I can’t imagine not being angry at your husband forever. How dare he let that malignant whore into your house and touch your baby? And to let you serve dinner to her while they were probably playing footsie under the table and laughing at you?? Don’t ever let him use the M-word when describing what he did. It. Was. Not. A. MISTAKE. It wasn’t that benign. I wish you all the luck in the world, I really do. Just remember: if he ever says “It was thirty years ago! Get over it!” – RUN! Thirty years ago for him, yesterday for you.

8 years ago

They get off on this, uneffing. I was invited to OW’s birthday party. My XH had brought sausages from the local butcher’s for the grill. It was a large party, and while I wasn’t thrilled with XH’s relationship with OW (I noticed that she manufactured crises so she could call him, and let him know she was doing this and he needed to set boundaries. My bad for assuming he was clueless), I went because a lot of people from his work place went.

Schmoopie, the cook extraordinaire, had a lot of trouble with her grill. I’m good at grilling, so XH told her, “Let kb help with this.” She was NOT happy, and neither was I, but I can see now that we were both being set up to triangulate, and he was getting off on having me at his OW’s birthday party and even helping her with it.

Bastard’s getting married to her and I’m so looking forward to seeing him file for bankruptcy in a few years–just after she divorces him so she can be with her next boy-toy.

8 years ago
Reply to  kb

Oh, the irony–OWhore got sausage for her birthday and didn’t know what to do with it.

8 years ago
Reply to  kb

kb – that just makes me furious for you! You have shown major restraint as a human being that you did not get violent with both of them! I’d go over there and start another fire on that bitch’s barbecue with a trail of lighter fluid leading to gas soaked rags strategically place all along the foundation of the house. It’s exactly what they both deserve.

8 years ago

‘Just remember: if he ever says “It was thirty years ago! Get over it!” – RUN! Thirty years ago for him, yesterday for you’.

THIS … Chumpfor30. You can take those wise words from uneffing and put them in the bank!

I wish you all the luck in the world too. x

8 years ago
Reply to  Jayne

Chumpfor30….you know I’m here for you….
Chump for 30 got sent here to the CL after she contacted me upon my release from jail. We were friends before…I did her hair…. she knows my Stbx…. she has seen my home….my gardens…. she knows my children.
So when I heard her story…..I sent her here….because only CN can relate. Only can someone who has been there BE there for you.

that’s the beauty of this……going thru hell you help those you see going thru it….and then they help someone else.

I learn so much here….and from your stories….is gives me the history to keep pushing thru the mire.

8 years ago

Tracy, I think that these OW are SooOOOooo insecure because they KNOW the men they ‘caught’ are lying pieces of shit. They KNOW these guys cheat! There is no integrity whatsoever in their relationships. They began on lies and they will end on lies. The really funny thing now, is that the OW in my case refuses to marry my XH. She must have figured out he isn’t quite the catch she imagined. I, on the other hand, am engaged to a man where I didn’t have to fuck another woman’s husband to get. Who do you think has a chance of living happier? The OW in my case was no young chickie poo. She was a 50 year old skank ass grown up woman who KNEW me and KNEW my husband was a married man. And still chose to spread her skanky legs in a cheap ass sleazy motel room. I’m not sure I’ll ever completely get to Meh over that. I do know that she gets to deal with the passed out bald spot and his increasing medical problems. Goody for her. Someday you can look back and know that you’re the one standing on integrity not the skank living in your house cooking on a used stove.

8 years ago
Reply to  Syringa

Syringa-as much as it pained me to think this way, in order to keep up my righteous anger and eventually heal, I had to remind myself that my relationship with my ex-POS cheater was also built on lies. In the end, every single one of these disordered freaks is a liar who brings zero integrity to any relationship.

8 years ago
Reply to  Blerg

Blerg….Agreed! I came to the conclusion the second I caught my XH cheating that I had a fake marriage to a fake husband and a fake life. It was all LIES. He lied to me about everything and he never loved me for one minute.

8 years ago

CHUMP NATION….I’m the Tracy in today’s post. Thank you….thank you all from the deepest part of my heart.
I know that you know how it feels. Sometimes I just feel alone in it. I have been thru hell. I have shared in other posts how my stbx put me in jail, falsely accused me of threatening our oldest daughter. The oldest daughter went along with his story…..I was held, for 8 1/2 months only to have the charges reduced. My husband took out the Protection from Abuse Order with trumped up charges to get me evicted. So it has been a long long long road.

I have been attacked on this site from a family member that I am told was a vile rant from the CL herself. She caught the troll and escorted them out the CN front door.
I have sent others to this site. It’s a God send…A light at the end of a dark tunnel…A hug….a kind word….a smack in the ass to get up and keep moving forward.

My daughters don’t speak to each other….we divided the kids pretty easily. His family has attacked me thru other family members, social media, texting. My daughter has been texted horrible things.
I’ve seen the “loving Christian family” turn into demons. These people wouldn’t know the first thing about truth or love.

I just had my boss, who is my attorneys boss just call me into his office. He just said that I need to put whatever is holding me back behind me because I have so many opportunities awaiting me. He is very connected. He has very established business clients. He has also taken this broken woman, with no formal education, whose life imploded and gave her an opportunity to learn on the job a whole new skill set. I am a hairdresser by trade, but lost my clients when I was evicted and lost my mind temporarily.

Thank you…..I read your comments on my lunch….it was that kick me in the ass reminder I have got this….it will get thru this….and that I am not alone.

CN…Tracy/CL…. I am thanking God for all of you.

I just signed the final papers…..the ink isn’t even dry…….


8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Jedi Hugs Tracy! I’m so sorry you went through that. My ex attacked me and got me thrown in jail one night and it traumatized the fuck out of me, I can’t imagine how you dealt with that. We need to chat on the forums, abusers are using new laws in ways that were not expected. Mandatory arrest laws are being upended wherein men set up their victim to get arrested. I so wish we could expose that and do something to fix it!

8 years ago
Reply to  Datdamwuf

My ex came to MY church….brought his whore. He hadn’t been there in 4 years. I confronted him asked him to leave….he went out to the parking lot and called the police. I was arrested. He who has the PFA …protection from abuse order….has the power.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Too bad him and the whore didn’t burst into flames when they entered a church.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Just saw this. Way to be mighty!!!! SO proud of you for signing those papers. It is a huge step.

I too have a boss who is amazing! I told him the day after D-day what happened and it was his right to kick my ass if my word slacked. All he said was “I’m so sorry, do what you need to do, take care of your kids, and if you need anything let me know.” It meant the world to me. So pat yourself on the back and give your boss a hug from me because those good people are very rare.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

That’s awesome Tracy! I always love it when someone who posts a letter to CL gives CN an update!! You are SO mighty!

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Schorn

CL….if I listed ALL that has happened to me in 3 years…. the UBT would blow a gasket. I have lived thru more than most. I don’t know of too many wives that their husband framed to put in jail.
But I get out of jail and end up working in an attorneys office. God has a sense of humor…..
Why do I respond…. good question. Defiance…. intolerance of adultery…..intolerance of destroying innocent lives. I’m a firey little Irish girl who don’t back down from a fight. I never said I was not impulsive. Injustice….I loathe injustice. I loathe people who mock truth and morality.

Someone earlier stated I am jealous of the OW….. I am not jealous, but I am pissed someone like her was able to take my place. She didn’t have to impress, cook well, have morals, have her own career, be educated or skilled. She just had to be a whore…..
that’s a bitch slap if I ever felt one.
That irks me. His whole family….including my one daughter accepts her….. blows my mind……

I have to say signing the MSA/closing today was monumental. It’s the end with a fresh start. I’ve been afraid of it.

I’m sure I’ll break down at some point. But today…..after I signed felt good.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Speaking from is my own experience. I did not land in jail, but I have been on the crazycoaster for several years with Narcississta-who did threaten to dream up several charges to have me thrown in jail if I did not cooperate with her demands. I had to do a lot of hard work: personal, legal, financial, yet her ass went to the curb and the door closed behind her. I adapted my behaviour to get what I wanted without engaging in a war. I did this for my kids sake and my own. No doubt about it you have to stand up for yourself when then need arises-in the most appropriate way to get the result you want-not to serve your ego, or the crazymaker’s. It may sound cliche, but I found that learning to love myself again after the years of put downs and general mistreatment helped a lot in getting me on track. I do not define myself by the words of cheaters, liars and low quality people.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Listen to CL. You did the part you can’t always control–you got out, got a great settlement, got your daughter out. Now let go of what you can’t change. None of us like injustice or the people who made a mockery out of our love, our attempts to build lifelong relationships. But as long as you engage emotionally and respond to these people, you will never get to Meh. And Meh is the best revenge.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Bloody well done, Tracy. I love to hear this reply after being aware of your horrific situation.

Stove . . . schmove. Just an appliance ( a bit like we were!) We HAVE to all succeed in creating orgasmic lives. And let the Kingdom of Turdom melt in the blazing sun.

It’s warm in here. Do you smell something funny? Happy 2016!

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Congratulations, Tracy on final papers! You have run a marathon and reached the finish line. I know that won’t necessarily stop the shitstorm visited upon you by that pack of hyenas, but it’s one hell of a milestone. Be proud, and do something nice for yourself to celebrate. And do what you can to keep yourself safe. Losing a victim doesn’t sit well with abusers. You are Mighty, and you are not alone.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Tracy – that is wonderful news … your boss as a supportive ally and the signed papers.

I truly wish you all the very, very best for the New Year – let it be 2016 – the year Tracy began her new and awesome life! xxx

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

WOW! You are one mighty woman! Congratulations on your new beginning!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

Congratulations. You are so strong. And so happy you have a wise mentor and a new career. Welcome to your new life.

8 years ago

Man, I don’t know how I would keep it together if I was harassed like that. Dang. That is just cruel. I am sorry that you have to deal with these nut jobs.

My cheater Ex went no contact on ME pretty early. Oh he would call our son every afternoon for a couple of weeks after I kicked him out. I’d answer the phone with hope in my voice. He knew I was hoping he’d talk to me. Ask if I was ok. But no way Jose. It hurt so damn bad. He’d just ask to speak to our son. I got smart though. When I saw his number on the caller ID, I’d just hand the phone to my son who’s eight. And you know what? That asshole stopped calling every afternoon.

His OW blocked me from the get-go. As soon as she knew I had found her out, she blocked me from Facebook. She also blocked my sister, my mom and my sister and brother-in-law. I still don’t know if she was terrified or what. But it’s fine with me. She was a Ho-worker of the cheater Ex. We met one time. Then on DDay, when I realized who she was, I called her cell over and over and over until she responded. She wouldn’t pick up the phone. Oh no. Cuz you know, they were “just friends”. But she did text me. She sent a link for the laws regarding harassment in our state. Bitch. But she didn’t know who she was messing with. I texted her the link for the law on Alienation of affection. I’m pretty sure that’s when she blocked me and my family from Facebook.

I DO give thanks to God that they don’t contact me and leave me the hell alone. I know that I am so fortunate in that. It hurt like hell in the beginning but I can see now that it did wonders to propel me to moving on. These days I only have email/text contact with Cheater ex about drop off/pick up of our son. If he wants to know about his son’s life, he can ask. I’ve been done with providing information to him for a long time.

Go NC as much as you can like everyone has said. And forgive yourself for wanting to defend yourself. You got this. ((HUGS))

Shark Chump
Shark Chump
8 years ago

My cheater-ex used to send me text messages wanting attention. Especially when his drug addict whore left him every few days to turn tricks for drug money when he refused to give her any – his way of attempting to control her but heroin always wins over anything, even cheaters.

I NEVER responded to any of his messages. Not once. Thanks Chump Lady for that advice. The ONE time I THOUGHT about responding was when he sent me the following after I ignored his previous 6 messages, “Can’t you just tell me to f#ck myself?!?!” I wanted to respond, “No, because you already did.” Instead I just told my sister how I wanted to respond and we got a good laugh and he received no kibbles… In the end, that was so much more valuable than sending a response.

8 years ago
Reply to  Shark Chump

A good friend of mine suggested that any time I had the urge to respond to my ex that I call her instead. That worked wonders! It is like breaking an addiction. I’ve never had trouble with drugs or alcohol, but I can sort of relate to what people must go through in rehab after weaning myself off wanting to talk to my ex.

8 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

Great idea, Lyn. Sort of like writing a response not to send, but with a live person to safely bounce those thoughts off. That is a good friend.

8 years ago
Reply to  Shark Chump

Absolutely the right move, Shark. I got so I could be in the same room with my cheater-ex and not see him. He was so dead to me, I’d look right through him, and never hear his voice pleading for a “private conversation” with “His Wife!” My thought was that he didn’t have a wife anymore; he’d forfeited that right. No response is the right response. And it drives them bonkers.

8 years ago

All these Other Women remind me of a quote from Pretty in Pink, when Blaine explains to Stef why he hates Andie so much:

“You buy everything, Stef. You couldn’t buy her, though, that’s what’s killing you, isn’t it? That’s it, Stef. She thinks you’re shit. And deep down, you know she’s right.”

Other Women are sparkly people. Everybody loves them. They surround themselves with people who love them, they charm everyone into adoring them, and if you don’t adore them, they find a way to keep you away because there must be Something Wrong with you. Of course there’s Something Wrong with you. Why else would you NOT adore them??

But we chumps think they’re shit, we can’t be charmed into thinking otherwise, and we threaten them because deep down, they know we’re right. That’s why almost all Other Women are people who either (1) keep their distance from us all the while pouring on a bunch of made-up gaslighting shit about how we’re too “psycho” and “dangerous” to deal with, or (2) keep coming around to f*** with us to try and write stupid shit for HuffPo about their fabulous affairs, to try and prove to themselves that they really are better than us.

I’m gonna call this the WOWASS theorem: The Why Other Women Are So Shitty theorem. Also known as the “WOW, what an ASS you are!” theorem.

8 years ago

When Mr Cheaterpants crawled out from under his rock to text me Happy Birthday last summer, I just replied “New phone, who dis?” and never heard from him again. Don’t know if something that simple will work for you, Tracy, but going full NC is the only solution.

The OW “won” a guy who cheats on his wife–that’s a shit-covered prize any way you look at it. And he “won” a batshiat crazy woman with zero class. Leave them alone to wallow in their own muck.

8 years ago
Reply to  Cerise

Cerise-I love “You’re the Worst.” That is hilarious!

8 years ago

Tracy, can you get another cell phone with a different number? Then only give it to trusted people in your family? I would do whatever I could to get this sick woman out of your life. There’s no way you can get to Meh when you’re still dealing with crap like that. It really doesn’t start to happen until the divorce is final and you’ve moved along in your new life far enough that you’re not longing for your old life any more. I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this nut job OW. Please don’t respond to her any more.

I wonder about getting the police or your lawyer involved since OW has your responses on her phone. That might open a kettle of worms. Seems to me the best way to handle it is to change your phone number and shut down any other ways she can contact you. Refuse to accept anything but emails from your ex re. child pick up and drop off. Then, if OW is sick enough to track you down and start it up again, you could prove to the police/lawyers that you changed your phone number/social media apps, etc. on a certain date in an attempt to stop her nonsense. It would be a clear cut case of harassment.

8 years ago
Reply to  Lyn

One thing to note though, if she gets a new phone shes potentially opening the door to them coming and paying her a visit or accosting her at work – if they know these details. She’d need to pretty much drop off the face of the earth. When wingnuts don’t get their own way they ramp up the abuse.
Something to keep in mind if she goes complete NC.

8 years ago

To the OP,
I had a similar fringe wingnut OW, and yes she too taunted me by email, shamed me on twitter, and suckered me into responding. (I had to since she named me AND my employer on twitter). In the end, I messaged her just begging her to keep the scumbag and to not send him back. None of that interacion felt the slightest bit good and I felt so relieved when she finally shut up and went away.

She does a “mommy blog” and now, three years later I very occasionally look it up to get a laugh. Their life is a train wreck, they are broke, and still arrogant pretenders. I feel a strangely warm, fuzzy feeling when I read her drivel because I can see how demented she was and still is. It’s funny, I am completely MEH about the Ex, but the OW…I truly do wish her karma, not because she “got” any of my stuff or even my man, but because she went about it so aggressively and cruelly, as if to destroy me for her own pleasure. Little did she know, I knew what a loser she was getting.